How to become a cartographer?
(the content mostly in Hungarian)

The new curriculum (since 2001)
0. The entrance examination
1. Time-table of our university cartographic course
- 1.1 The purpose of the course
- 1.2 About cartographic education
- 1.3 Fundamental sciences in education
- 1.4 Final exam
2. The cartographic course (only tables)
- 2.1 General obligatory subjects (large table)
- 2.2 Foundational subjects (large table)
- 2.3 Professional subjects (large table)
- 2.4 Educational requirements (large table)
The tables of 2nd chapter are described in the 3rd chapter.
3. Exposition of subjects of cartographic course
- 3.1 Foundational subjects
- 3.1.1 Mathematics
- 3.1.2 Physics
- 3.1.3 Chemistry
- 3.1.4 Geology
- 3.1.5 Ecology
- 3.1.6 Geophysics
- 3.1.7 Astronomy
- 3.1.8 Meteorology
- 3.1.9 Physical geography
- 3.1.10 Economical geography
- 3.1.11 Geography of Hungary
- 3.1.12 Regional geography
- 3.2 Professional subjects
- 3.2.1 Cartographic drawing and technology
- 3.2.2 Geodesy
- 3.2.3 Photogrammetry and photointerpretation
- 3.2.4 Introduction to cartography
- 3.2.5 General cartography
- 3.2.6 Project and design of maps
- 3.2.7 Map projections
- 3.2.8 Thematic cartography
- 3.2.9 Computer cartography
- 3.2.10 Map history
- 3.2.11 Geographic names on the maps
- 3.2.12 Environmental protection
- 3.2.13 Urban planning
- 3.2.14 Topographic map systems
- 3.2.15 Economics
- 3.2.16 Atlas cartography
- 3.2.17 Seminars
- 3.2.18 Special subjects
- 3.2.19 Independent research/diploma
4. Theme of foundational exams
5. Credits (under constructions)
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