3.1.10 General economic geography

TR-411II. course 2.semesterGeneral economic geography2+2discussion session grade, final exam grade

Basic categories of economic geography.
Effects of natural elements on economy. Relation between nature and society. The human economic activity and the environment.
Population geography. Demographic transitions. Population density, areal differencies. Internal and external migration. Employment.
Languages, religions.
Settlements, settlement network. Process of urbanisation, hierarchy of settlements. Problems with growth of the cities.
Importance of agriculture in the world economy. Factors that determine types of agricultural lands. State of land supply, land development. Branches of cultivation and production lines.
Agriculture of the
Equatorial zone
savanna and monsoon zones
dry and wet subtropical zones
temperate zone
dry and cold zones
The world's forest economy.

Industrial geography. The development of industry, world economic importance, general features, characteristics.

Extractive industries, mining (energy resources, metallic, non-metallic minerals)
Energetics (development tendencies, factors that influence spatial location)
Metallurgy (world economic importance, development tendencies)
Chemical industry (social economical effects of chemical processing, development tendencies, factors that influence location)
Machine industry (effects of producing instruments of production and consumption goods on social-economic development, factors that influence location)

Transport geography (connections between production, sale, international division of labour, personal services and transport systems).
Tourism (importance, development tendencies, regional features of demand and supply)
Foreign trade relations, trade tendencies.
International economic integration.
Development tendencies and influencing factors of the world economy.

TR-511III. course 1.semesterGeneral economic geography2+0final exam grade

Historical summary of the development of economic geography.
Tendencies of economic geography, important international and national sources.
Exploiting natural resources and the development of the economy.
Recording population, vital statistics.
Breakdown by sex and age, predicting number of inhabitants.
Employment, education, state of health, ...
Classifying settlements, village and town.
Development and tendencies of agricultural geography.
Questions of agricultural regions, agricultural tipology.
Technical background of agriculture.
Internal ratios of agricultural production. Subsistence farming, importance of export and import. Chemical processing and its effects.
Regular agricultural systems, modern production economies.
Characteristics of highly developed and developing countries' agriculture.
Food-supply, as a global question.

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