S08: Multilingual names, minority names

17. What to do with generics in regional languages?


Indonesia has many regional languages and one official national language:


Bahasa Indonesia



regional language

 River generic

 Regional toponym

 Official toponym




 Sungai Liwung



 Kali Brantas

 Sungai Brantas



 Batang Hari

 Sungai Hari

 Coastal Malay


 Air Musi

 Sungai Musi



 Kruëng Tripa

 Sungai Tripa

In order to enable everyone in the country to understand the generics, they should be rendered in the official language. However, in order to preserve the cultural heritage of the regional language communities, the generics should be kept in the regional language. These are difficult decisions to make.


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012