S09: Languages

9. Classification of languages - Q) Amerindian languages



  • Languages of the population native to the Americas before the ‘discovery’ of Columbus.

  • At least 50 separate language families.

  • Most prominent:
    - Oto-Manguean family (170, in Mexico)
    - Arawakan family (75, Honduras to Argentina)
    - Tupi family (70, Paraguay to French Guyana
    - Uto-Aztecan family (60, Western USA to El Salvador)
    - Quechuan family (47, Andean area)
    - Na-Dene family (42 from Alaska to S.W. USA)
    - Algic family (33, Canada and USA)

    Source: Wikipedia


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012