S09: Languages

9. Classification of languages - L) The Daic family



  • Including official languages of Thailand (Thai) and Laos (Lao).

  • Attempts are made to link it to the Sino-Tibetan or the Austro-Asiatic family.

    Source: Wikipedia / Author: Heinrich Damm


Click here for more information The 70 languages of the Daic, or Tai-Kadai family are spoken in an area to the east of the Austro-Asiatic languages in Indo-China. They include two official languages: Thai (the mother tongue of up to 25 million people in Thailand) and Lao (spoken by 4 million people in Laos, of which it is the official language). Attempts are being made to link the Tai languages to either the Sino-Tibetan or the Austronesian families.


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012