Second Call for Papers
Abstracts should be submitted by 15 February 2012 to the Symposium Organiser, Dr Zsolt Török,
Abstracts should be in English or French, should be in electronic format using MS Word for
Windows, and should not exceed 250 words.A template to be used for abstract submission is available from the Symposium’s website here.

The acceptance of abstracts will be based on the recommendation of a
refereeing panel. Because there is a limit to the number of papers that
can be accepted, authors of meritorious abstracts which cannot be
placed in the programme will be given the option to present their
material as a poster. The organizers encourage the presentation of
recent research findings including post-graduate theses. Preference will be given to submissions incorporating suitable image documentation (maps, photographs, tables, diagrams etc.).The proceedings of the Symposium will be published on the Commission website as well as in book form.
Paper presentations will last 30 minutes (25 minutes with 5 minutes discussion time). There will be no translation facilities for French papers at the Symposium.