[ISHMap-List] Citing Harley’s two versions of “Deconstructing the Map"

JB Post jbpost2 at verizon.net
Wed Jul 16 13:25:03 CEST 2014

   Since both are cited fully, perhaps distinguishing by date of publication might help to differentiate them.  It might be something like 

                Harley "Deconstructing the Map" (1986) and Harley "Deconstructing the Map" (1992).


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: mapsgal 
  To: ishm at lazarus.elte.hu 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 10:38 PM
  Subject: [ISHMap-List] Citing Harley’s two versions of “Deconstructing the Map"

  Greetings Maphisters :)

  I see that we have moved to the ISHM list server. I hope this means that active discussion on maps is back again.

  I am in the process of finalizing the bibliography for my book and I have a citation dilemma that I need help with.
  There are two versions of Harley’s “Deconstructing the Map.” Both with the same name but the second version in Writing Worlds is revised, expanded, and the wording is different in places. I need to cite both versions and my question is how best to do this given that Harley used the same name for both the articles. Do I say: “Deconstructing the Map” (a) and “Deconstructing the Map” (b) ? This looks very odd in footnotes and the dilemma is magnified with the bibliography. 

  I am hoping that others have run in to this issue before and that someone has a solution for this vexing footnote and bibliographic issue.

  So far for the bibliography I have:
  "Deconstructing the Map." Cartographica 26:2 (1986): 1-20. 2nd rev. ed. In Writing Worlds: Discourse, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape. Edited by Trevor Barnes and James S. Duncan. London: Routledge, 1992, 231-47.

  But this bibliographic citation does not help me with the footnote dilemma.

  Many thanks in advance!
  I hope everyone is enjoying summer vacations.

  Karen Pinto 


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