4.3 Water and marsh

This group includes both open water and special types of vegetation caused by the presence of water (marsh). The classification is important because it indicates the degree of hindrance to the runner and provide features for map reading and control points. A black line round a water feature indicates that it cannot be crossed under normal weather conditions. In dry countries the features listed in this section may only contain water in some seasons.

301 Lake
Large areas of water are shown with full colour or a dot screen of at least 50%. Small areas of water should be shown with full colour. A black bank line indicates that the feature cannot be crossed.
Colour: blue, black.
302 Pond
Where the lake or pond is smaller than 1mm 2 on the printed map, the bank line is omitted.
Colour: blue.
303 Waterhole
A water-filled pit or an area of water which is too small to be shown to scale. Location is the centre of gravity of the symbol, which is orientated to north.
Colour: blue.
304 Uncrossable river
An uncrossable river or canal is drawn with black bank lines. The bank lines are broken at a ford.
Colour: blue, black.
305 Crossable watercourse
A crossable watercourse, minimum 2m wide. The width of watercourses over 5m wide should be shown to scale.
Colour: blue.
306 Crossable small watercourse
A crossable watercourse (including a major drainage ditch) less than 2 m wide.
Colour: blue.
307 Minor water channel
A natural or man-made minor water channel which may contain water only intermittently.
Colour: blue.
308 Narrow marsh
A marsh or trickle of water which is too narrow to be shown with symbol 310 (less than ca. 5m wide).
Colour: blue.
309 Uncrossable marsh
A marsh which is uncrossable or dangerous for the runner. A black line surrounds the symbol.
Colour: blue, black.
Színe: kék, fekete.
310 Marsh
A crossable marsh with a distinct edge. Symbol 310 may be combined with symbol 403 for clearly open marshes. For densely wooded marshes symbol 310 may be combined with symbols 406-410. The smallest marsh should be shown by at least two lines on the map.
Colour: blue (with yellow/green).
311 Indistinct marsh
An indistinct or seasonal marsh or area of gradual transition from marsh to firm ground, which is crossable. The edge is generally indistinct and the vegetation similar to that of the surrounding ground. Symbol 311 may be combined with symbol 403 for clearly open but indistinct marshes. There may be occasions where it is appropriate to use symbol 311 with symbol 401. For densely wooded marshes symbol 311 may be combined with the symbols 406-410.
Colour: blue (with yellow/green).
312 Well
Wells and captive springs, which are clearly visible on the ground.
Colour: blue.
313 Spring
The source of a stream with a distinct outflow. The symbol is orientated to open downstream.
Colour: blue.
314 Special water feature
A special small water feature. The definition of the symbol must always be given in the map legend.
Colour: blue.