Ocean:Central Ocean(Atlantic Ocean)
Basic form:Shelf
Superregion:North American Shelf
Region: Scotian Shelf
Form: Shelf Valley
Laurentian Valley N 46.30, W 58.00
Other English names: Cabot Strait Trough, Cabot Strath, Laurentian Channel, Laurentian Strath.
Hungarian name: Szent Lörinc-selfvölgy
This shelf valley evolved as continuation of Saint Lawrence River.
Western Bradelle Valley N 48.00, W 62.50
Hungarian name: Nyugati-Bradelle-selfvölgy
Eastern Bradelle Valley N 47.50, W 62.30
Other English name: Eastern Bradelle Trough
Hungarian name: Keleti-Bradelle-selfvölgy
Shediac Valley N 47.20, W 64.25
Other English name: Shediac Trough
Hungarian name: Shediac-selfvölgy
Fundian Valley N 42.20, W 66.30
Other English names: Fundian Strath, Northeast Strath, Northeast Trough
Hungarian name: Fundy-selfvölgy
List of seas