Continental shelf of the Central Ocean

North American Shelf
The Atlantic shelves of the North American continent.
Calfornian Shelf
The Pacific shelves of North and Central America.
North Canadian Shelf
The Arctic shelves of Alaska and Canada.
Brazilian Shelf
The Atlantic shelves of the South American continent.
Peruan Shelf
The Pacific shelves of the South American continent.
Greenland Shelf
Iceland Shelf
European Shelf
The Atlantic shelves of Europe.
Siberian Shelf
The Arctic shelves of Eurasia.
East Asian Shelf
The Pacific shelves of Kamchatka and Japan.
South Asian Shelf
The Indian Ocean shelves of Asia.
Sumatra Shelf
The shelves south of Sumatra and Jawa.
African Shelf
The shelves surrounding Africa, except for the shelves of Mediterranean and Red Sea.
Madagascar Shelf
Australian Shelf
The shelves surrounding Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, excluding the shelves of Seram Sea.
New Zealand Shelf
Antarctic Shelf
The shelves surrounding the Antarctic continent.

List of seas