Hungarian GIS Survey, 1995.

Name of the company (full and short)
in Hungarian: Zalaszám Szervezési Számítástechnikai Kereskedelmi Kft., Zalaszám Kft.
in English: Zalaszám Organising Computing Trading Ltd., Zalaszám Ltd.

Year of establishment: 1978

Address: H-8900 Zalaegerszeg, Virág B. u. 5/a.
Postal address: H-8901 Zalaegerszeg, Pf.: 113.

Type of the company: Limited liability company (Ltd.)

GIS, activities at the company: development

Phone: (36-92)-314-174, +(36-92)-312-178 Telefax: (36-92)-313-761

Name and proper position of the leader of the company:
Dr. Péter Szász, CEO
Phone: (36-92)-313-761
Telefax: (36-92)-313-761

Name of the technical director:

Zsolt Nagy
Phone: (36-92)-312-178
Telefax: (36-92)-313-761

Name of the marketing director:

Béla Adrovicz
Phone: (36-92)-312-178
Telefax: (36-92)-313-761

Name of the GIS executive:

György Hovanyecz
Phone: (36-92)-312-178
Telefax: (36-92)-313-761

Owners of the company (percentage of ownership):
Private personsHungarian62
Local AuthoritiesHungarian38

Total number of employees: 49 persons

Number of employees with GIS skills (breakdown per scope of duties)

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