Name of the company (full and short)
in Hungarian: Magyar Honvédség Kartográfiai
in English: Cartographic Center of the Hungarian Defence Forces
Year of establishment: 1919
Address: 1024 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor
Postal address: 1525 Budapest 114. Pf.: 46.
Type of the company: State-owned
GIS activities at the company: development
Name and title of the chief executive officer:
- dipl. ing. - Lt-Col. Béla Szabó, Director
- Phone: (36-1)-212-0807
- Telefax: (36-1)-212-4223
Name of the technical director:
- dipl. ing. - Lt-Col. László Buga.
- Phone: (36-1)-212-2786
- Telefax: (36-1)-212-4223
Name of the marketing director:
- dipl. ing. - Lt-Col. László Buga
- Phone: (36-1)-212-2786
- Telefax: (36-1)-212-4223
Name of the GIS executive:
- dipl. ing. - Lt-Col. Sándor Sass
- Phone: (36-1)-132-2500/84-05
- Telefax: (36-1)-212-4223
Owners of the company (percentage of ownership):
Total number of employees: 175 persons
Number of employees with GIS skills (breakdown per scope of duties)
- managers: 10 persons
- developers: 7 persons
- users: 5 persons
- customizers: 20 persons
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