Name of the company (full and short)
in Hungarian: Geocomp Informatikai, Műszaki Fejlesztő
és Kereskedelmi Kft., Geocomp Kft.
in English: Geocomp Ltd.
Year of establishment: 1989
Address: H-1016 Budapest, Gellérthegy u. 30-32.
Postal address: H-1016 Budapest, Gellérthegy u. 30-32.
Type of the company: limited liability company (ltd.)
GIS, activities at the company: use, R&D, education, ESRI
products distribution
Phone: (36-1)-202-3178 Telefax: (36-1)-202-3178
Name and proper position of the leader of the company:
- György Domokos, CEO
- Phone: (36-1)-202-3178
- Telefax: (36-1)-202-3178
Name of the technical director:
- György Domokos
- Phone: (36-1)-202-3178
- Telefax: (36-1)-202-3178
Name of the marketing director:
- András J. Németh, Marketing Director
- Phone: (36-1)-202-3178
- Telefax: (36-1)-202-3178:
Name of the GIS executive:
- György Domokos
- Phone: (36-1)-202-3178
- Telefax: (36-1)-202-3178:
Owners of the company (percentage of ownership):
Private persons | Hungarian | 3
| Foreigner | 32
Firms | Hungarian | 65
Total number of employees: 8 persons + part-timers
Number of skilled employees within GIS (breakdown per scope of
- managers: 3 persons
- data acquisitioners: 1 person
- developers: 3 persons
- customizers: 1 person
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