Hungarian GIS Survey, 1995.

Name of the company (full and short)
in Hungarian: Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet (FÖMI)
in English: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography

Year of establishment: 1967

Address: H-1051 Budapest, Sas u. 19.
Postal address: H-1373 Budapest, P. O. Box: 546., Hungary

Type of the company: State owned

GIS activities at the company: development, use, project management, R&D

Phone: (36-1)-269-4550 Telefax: (36-1)-269-4560 Telex: 22-4964

Name and title of the chief executive officer:
Géza Apagyi, Director
Phone: (36-1)-269-4565
Telefax: (36-1)-269-4560
Telex: 22-4964

Name of the technical director:

Dr. Szabolcs Mihály
Phone: (36-1)-269-4566
Telefax: (36-1)-269-4560
Telex: 22-4964

Name of the marketing director:

Mrs. Alice Kis-Kéry Dr.
Phone: (36-1)-188-7956
Telefax: (36-1)-188-7737
Telex: 22-4964

Name of the GIS executive:

Dr. Szabolcs Mihály
Phone: (36-1)-269-4566
Telefax: (36-1)-269-4560
Telex: 22-4964

Owners of the company (percentage of ownership):

Total number of employees: 185 persons

Number of employees within GIS skills (breakdown per scope of duties)

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