Hungarian GIS Survey, 1995.

ÁSZSZ Informatics Corporation

Company Profile

ÁSZSZ Rt. - as a basis of the central state administration teledata processing network - was founded in 1972 by the President of Central Office of Statistics, in order to satisfy the essential computerisation demands of the state administration. Being funded partially from the State budget, ÁSZSZ Rt. has very close connection with the state and public administration. Several years ago ÁSZSZ Rt. was reorganised into a company and after the crisis in 1988-89 stabilised and expanded it's original profile with new elements and managed to get into the developing business line. Closing down this period ÁSZSZ Rt. was reorganised into a Corporation with effect of 1st June, 1992.

Nowadays the main purpose of ÁSZSZ Rt. is to be a determinative member of the national computer and informatics market. To realise this aim the ÁSZSZ Rt. has got suitable means and well-qualified collaborators, suitable possibilities and resolve to get those sources of power and expertise what is still missing.

By the 126/1992 (VII.28) Governmental Act, the ÁSZSZ Rt. Informatics Corporation - as the only informatics firm - is to be retained in the long-term in the category of state-owned firms.

ÁSZSZ Rt. is divided to several independent profit-oriented profile centres. Such as units which operating a Honeywell-Bull mainframe computer system. With the help of the system they create and manage a big, countryside database (X.25) network.

The network-system of GIS Department (simultaneously Intergraph Solution Center and Bentley Sales Center as well) is equipped with graphical workstations, work places and software. The office deals with computer graphics application development and data conversion technological service.

ÁSZSZ Rt. deals with Informatics of state and local government administration and sells different kinds of software. Examples are CAD products, optical character recognition (OCR), decision making and objectivization systems.

The Hungarian Public-Utility Database, as an office deals with using national and foreign economics, business and statistical information of public interest.

Major GIS projects and references

The main profile of the firm is to establish the survey and mapping data collecting and databases, and those GIS applications. This activity is increased with the development of the technical information systems included the wide scale of public utility registers. Essentially they operate with the means of Intergraph graphical software.

  1. Survey and Mapping Database of Szeged (SzFAB, 1982-1987)
  2. Survey and Map Making Database of the Capital (FTAB, 1987-1991)
  3. Map of the National Census Districts Boundaries for the whole area of Budapest (1991-92)
  4. Introduction of the Data Conversion Technological System (1991-93)
  5. To develop the Technical Information System (from 1992, in progress)
  6. Real Estate Registration System connected to the digital map (1993-94)
  7. Development of Infograf "mini GIS" software (from 1992)

More important national and foreign connections:

  1. Local Governments (IV, XIII, XXII and some others Districts of Budapest)
  2. Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI) Survey. Basic maps, digital mapping, standardisation and education and common competitions.
  3. Central Office of Statistics (KSH)
  4. Teleki László Foundation
  5. Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd /CHINOIN/
  6. Intergraph (Hungary, Austria, Netherlands)
  7. Improx GmbH (Wien)
  8. KLM Aerocarto (Netherlands)
  9. Bentley System Europe B. V. (USA, Netherlands)


Srajber, B.:
Szeged megyei városi tanács tanácsigazgatási térinformatikai rendszere területi műszaki adatbázisának létrehozásához
(Szakmai tanácskozás, Lászlófalva, 1987)

Srajber, B., Bakó, A.:
Adatkonverziós technológiák térinformatikai rendszerek fejlesztéséhez
(NJSZT I. Kongresszus, információ technológia 92. Debrecen)

Srajber, B., Mészáros, Á.:
Népszámlálási körzethatáros térképek és új adatkonverziós technológia
(1992. II. Országos térinformatikai konferencia, Szolnok)

Herczeg, I., Magos, G., Mede, Z.:
Az MGE (Modular GIS Environment) és alkalmazásai (1993. III. Országos térinformatikai konferencia, Szolnok)

Srajber, B., Mede, Z.:
Esettanulmány, a bevezetés a térinformatikába című kiadványhoz
(Edited by B. Márkus), 1994

Magos, G.:
Microstation első szuszra
Tanfolyami jegyzet, ÁSZSZ Informatikai Rt. Kiadványa, 1995.

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