Important events of the Department of Cartography (1999)

- X. -
- András Dutkó Ph.D. student studies at the Faculty of Arts of Universidade do Porto (Portugal) until July 2000.
- X. 26.
- István Klinghammer was elected the President of Eötvös University.
- IX. 6.-
Ralph Bartusch (Technische Fachhochschule, Berlin) guest student.
- IX. 1.
- We have to limit access of our webpages.
- VIII. 26.
- On the TOP 1000 weblist in the category of education we became a leader (for some days only).
- VIII. 18-23.
GEO '99 meeting in East-Slovakia and West-Ukraine organized by HUNGEO. Verebiné Fehér Katalin takes part.
- VIII. 9-14.
Jesús Reyes in Canada (Department of Geography, Concordia University, Montréal, Quebec). Conference organized within activities of the "Cartography and Children" Working Group: DISCOVERING BASIC CONCEPTS: "Exploring how Elementary Children can discover Concepts Basic to the Understanding of Maps and their Usage for Inventory, Analysis and Discussion". Presented paper: "Hungarian Web in Teaching of Cartography for Children"
- VII. 12-16.
- Zsolt Török takes part on Conference of Map History in Athens.
- VII. 7-28.
- László Zentai spends three weeks in Karlsruhe (Tempus project).
- VII. 3-7.
István Klinghammer takes part on the emeritus celberation of Prof. Ulrich Freitag (Freie Universität, Berlin) in Berlin. Mr. Klinghammer takes presentation: "Cartography - is it a science?"
- VI. 30.
- In the frame of Tempus it is published the lecture notes of László Zentai: "Computer aided cartography".
- VI. 28.
- Burial ceremony of Füsi Lajos.
- V. 31.-VI. 20.
- Zsolt Török and József Szekerka spend three weeks in Karlsruhe (Tempus project)
- V. 28.-VI. 1.
- Tempus (closing) meeting in Debrecen. Our participant is László Zentai.
- V. 27.-V. 28.
- Jesús Reyes shows presentation in Keszthely, on the Pannon Agricultural University, on the Georgikon-Média '99
- V. 10.
- Johannes Honterus memorial meeting: presentation of Zsolt Török
- III. 31.-IV. 2.
- On the National Student Science Conference in the GIS-cartography sections our students Pál Madarassy and Antal Guszlev Antal got 4th position in Debrecen.
- III. 1-31.
Kuszálik József student (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca) spends 1 month in our department.
- I. 19.
- International Maps on MassMediaMaps
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