ICC 2009, CET presentations
Santiago de Chile (Chile)
15-22 Nov 2009
Paper Presentations
in Technical Sessions
- 19 November Thursday
- 20 November Friday
- Theme: 5. GIS for Sustainable Development,
Room: S-5 - First Morning Session
- Theme: 5. GIS for Sustainable Development,
Room: S-5 - Second Morning Session
- Rizka Windiastuti:
Cartography Education for Children in Indonesia (Indonesia)
- Brochado de Aguiar, L.: Atlas Escolares Municipais Imagens e Narrativas
- Rotanova, I.N.: Giving Special Ecological Courses with Interactive Application of Cartographic Materials and GIS-Technologies at Altai State University (Russia)
- Oliveira Henrique de Araújo, V. y Doucette, M.: SIRGAS2000 – The Geodetic Reference Frame Change and the Communication with the User (Brazil)
- Cerba, O., Jedlicka, J. y Jezek, J.: Geospatial Data Visualisation in Geomatics Curriculum (Czech Republic)