[StipHu] Questionnaire for 1st year students - ThemCart

Irás Krisztina iras at map.elte.hu
Tue Feb 11 14:05:17 CET 2020

Dear Students,

As the half of the group did not appear today, we start both theoretical 
and practical lessons next week (18 February, 2020).
Our lesson start exactly at 13.00, please be in time in arriving.

To schedule our practice in Thematic Cartography, it is necessary for me 
to see clear your map making background. Here is a questionnaire I’d like 
you to answer. It is not a test no wrong anser, no mark at the end. :)

What kind(s) of *graphic* software have you ever used?

Have you ever prepared maps?
If yes:
- For what reason?
- What type?
- From what kind of sources and material?
- What software did you use?

Have you ever designed maps?

Do you know the digitizing process? ( = do you know how to draw lines, 
polygons, how to change the look of the objects, are you familiar with 
using layers?)

What are the elements of a map sheet?

How to modify the projection of a vector file AND shape file?

What does “personal geodatabase” mean in ArcGIS? Why it is important to 
organize shape files into that?

You can send back your answers via email to iras at map.elte.hu.


Dr. Irás Krisztina

ELTE Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék

Krisztina Irás, Phd
senior lecturer

Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics 
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Tel.: (061) 372 2975

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