[Phd] FW: CfP: Workshop on 'Computational Approaches for Smart, Conscious Cities'

Dr. Zentai László laszlo.zentai at elte.hu
2022. Már. 5., Szo, 08:57:46 CET


Prof. László Zentai, Director of institute
Eotvos University, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics
H-1117 Budapest, Pazmany Peter setany 1/A, Hungary
Tel: (36)-1-3722975, fax: 3722951 - http://lazarus.elte.hu/

From: Markus Jobst <office at jobstmedia.at>
Sent: Saturday, March 5, 2022 8:16 AM
To: info at cartography.at
Subject: CfP: Workshop on 'Computational Approaches for Smart, Conscious Cities'

Dear colleagues,

many of us are looking ahead to new application fields of "geo", the future of cartography, AI, common data spaces and all the requirements that come in to our domains. As ICA Commission on Map Production and Geoinformation Management, we feel responsible to explore and exchange knowledge about new perspectives, experiences and requirements.

Allow me to highlight one Call for Papers that goes beyond previous terms like "smart city" or "digital twin". With the workshop on "Computational Approaches for Smart, Conscious Cities" we reach out to the next steps:

  *   How to create consciousness in that respect, spatio-temporal digital twins with data about the state, activities, and processes taking place in different types of infrastructures, in the environment and in different data spaces need to be considered holistically and integrated in a way that analytics, simulation, collaboration, and visualization can work on top of the data?
  *   How can data with different dynamics be integrated into a holistic digital twin model of a city?
  *   How could "consciousness" in our context go beyond intelligence or smartness: how can we provide some kind of long-term memory?

From my point of view, geoinformation and cartography are addressed directly. But in general versatile themes and topics are involved in these questions. If you have thoughts, results or something to say, please consider to join our workshop in Malaga from July 4th to 7th 2022.

We will enable and support high quality scientific output in a LNCS publication.

Please find attached the Call for Papers with all the relevant links and dates embedded.

Best greetings and healthyness from Vienna,


P.S.: Please excuse for crossposting.


Markus Jobst

Pers.Mail: markus at jobstmedia.at<mailto:markus at jobstmedia.at>



ICA Commission on Map Production and Geoinformation Management




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