[ISHMap-List] CFP for 2016 International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo

Dan Terkla terkla at iwu.edu
Thu Aug 6 19:01:17 CEST 2015

Dear Cartographical Colleagues (with apologies for cross-posting),

Felicitas Schmieder, FernUniversität in Hagen, and I invite you to submit
talk proposals for one of the three “Mappings” sessions we have organized
for the 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan
University in Kalamazoo (May 12-15, 2016).  Along with your talk’s title,
and a 250-300-word abstract, please include a short *cv* detailing your
work on medieval maps, and a completed Participant Information Form
<http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress/submissions/index.html#PIF>, which
you’ll find at http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress/submissions/index.html.
Please send these items to both of us (Felicitas.Schmieder at fernuni-hagen.de,
terkla at iwu.edu) no later than September 15.  Our Special Session
descriptions follow below.

Please note the *publication possibility* at the bottom of this message.
Note, too, that we again will submit proposals for “Mappings” sessions (and
perhaps a round table) for the 2016 International Medieval Congress in
Leeds.  Our goals are to raise the profile of map studies by bringing
together scholars from Europe and North America.

Session Descriptions

Mappings I: The Roman Heritage of Medieval Maps

Map scholars have become more confident in thinking that a Roman heritage
stands behind medieval mapmaking, but have not fully articulated the
components of that legacy—if we can call it a legacy—or what affect it had
on mapmakers in the Middle Ages.  Speakers in this session will focus on
vestiges of a Roman worldview and mapping concepts on medieval maps to help
us understand the extent of that presence and what it tells us about the
worldview and mapping concepts of medieval mapmakers.

Mappings II: Mapping Space and Time

Many medieval maps represent space, but also time.  Such maps have been
rightly described as painted world chronicles that, like verbal chronicles,
emphasize the past, present, and future of the world and Christianity.
Indeed, most medieval world maps show paradise as the earthly place where
it all began, the place where events transpired that would profoundly
effect human history up to the endtime.  By picturing, and often
captioning, biblical places, persons, and apocalyptic events, medieval maps
were more compelling, more convincing than verbal texts and, for some,
pointed the way back to paradise.  Speakers in this session will examine
various ways in which this happens and so provide an overview of medieval
approaches to space and time.

Mappings III: Medieval Maps, their Makers, and Uses

No artwork, and certainly no map, arises *sui generis*.  Without an
understanding of the web of personalities and circumstances behind a map’s
creation, theories about its commissioning, design, creation, placement,
and use rest on unstable ground.  Speakers in this session will lay
different contextual foundations for different types of medieval maps and
suggest what these contexts tell us about the maps’ makers and uses.

Dear Cartographical Colleagues (with apologies for cross-posting),

Felicitas Schmieder, FernUniversität in Hagen, and I invite you to submit
talk proposals for one of the three “Mappings” sessions we have organized
for the 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan
University in Kalamazoo (May 12-15, 2016).  Along with your talk’s title,
and a 250-300-word abstract, please include a short *cv* detailing your
work on medieval maps, and a completed Participant Information Form
<http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress/submissions/index.html#PIF>, which
you’ll find at http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress/submissions/index.html
.  Please send these items to both of us (
Felicitas.Schmieder at fernuni-hagen.de, terkla at iwu.edu) no later than
September 15.  Our Special Session descriptions follow below.

Please note the *publication possibility* at the bottom of this message.  Note,
too, that we again will submit proposals for “Mappings” sessions (and
perhaps a round table) for the 2016 International Medieval Congress in
Leeds.  Our goals are to raise the profile of map studies by bringing
together scholars from Europe and North America.

*Session Descriptions*

*Mappings I: The Roman Heritage of Medieval Maps*

Map scholars have become more confident in thinking that a Roman heritage
stands behind medieval mapmaking, but have not fully articulated the
components of that legacy—if we can call it a legacy—or what affect it had
on mapmakers in the Middle Ages.  Speakers in this session will focus on
vestiges of a Roman worldview and mapping concepts on medieval maps to help
us understand the extent of that presence and what it tells us about the
worldview and mapping concepts of medieval mapmakers.

*Mappings II: Mapping Space and Time *

Many medieval maps represent space, but also time.  Such maps have been
rightly described as painted world chronicles that, like verbal chronicles,
emphasize the past, present, and future of the world and Christianity.  Indeed,
most medieval world maps show paradise as the earthly place where it all
began, the place where events transpired that would profoundly effect human
history up to the endtime.  By picturing, and often captioning, biblical
places, persons, and apocalyptic events, medieval maps were more
compelling, more convincing than verbal texts and, for some, pointed the
way back to paradise.  Speakers in this session will examine various ways
in which this happens and so provide an overview of medieval approaches to
space and time.

*Mappings III: Medieval Maps, their Makers, and Uses*

No artwork, and certainly no map, arises *sui generis*.  Without an
understanding of the web of personalities and circumstances behind a map’s
creation, theories about its commissioning, design, creation, placement,
and use rest on unstable ground.  Speakers in this session will lay
different contextual foundations for different types of medieval maps and
suggest what these contexts tell us about the maps’ makers and uses.

*Publication possibili*ty

Dan and Asa Simon Mittman, California State University, Chico, edit and
publish extended, peer-reviewed essays that grow from talks at the IMC in
Leeds and now at the ICMS in Kalamazoo.  These essays constitute the
special biannual “Mappings” issues of *Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval
Art and Architecture*.  All of our speakers from Leeds 2015 and Kalamazoo
2016 will be invited to submit manuscripts for the spring 2017 issue of

Dan and Asa Simon Mittman, California State University, Chico, edit and
publish extended, peer-reviewed essays that grow from talks at the IMC in
Leeds and now at the ICMS in Kalamazoo.  These essays constitute the
special biannual “Mappings” issues of *Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval
Art and Architecture*.  All of our speakers from Leeds 2015 and Kalamazoo
2016 will be invited to submit manuscripts for the spring 2017 issue of

Dan Terkla
Professor of English
English House
Illinois Wesleyan University
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900

Phone: +1 309 556 3649
Fax: +1 309 556 3545

"Nowher so bisy a man as he ther nas,
And yet he semed bisier than he was."
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