[ISHMap-List] “THE PORTOLAN” #90 – Fall 2014 - MAJOR ORTELIUS RESEARCH - and more

Thomas Sander sanderva at erols.com
Mon Sep 8 23:39:13 CEST 2014

Dear members of ISHM and readers of postings to the ListServ of the International Society for the History of the Map:


This thrice-yearly journal with articles on maps, the history of cartography, and exploration is the only journal of its kind in the Americas.   Below is information on the Fall 2014 issue recently published.   See www.washmapsociety.org/TPJ2.htm <http://www.washmapsociety.org/TPJ2.htm>     for details on ordering the current or past issues of “The Portolan”.  That link also takes the reader to the contents list of all back issues and an index to those issues.  The focus of the society and the journal is not solely Washington; topics are widespread in scope. 


ISSUE 90  (Fall 2014)
Issue 90 (Fall 2014), consisting of 88 pages, was published in late August 2014  and is in distribution to all paid subscribers and members in good standing of the Washington Map Society.  


MARCEL VAN DEN BROECKE’s original 24-page article on the atlas production of Abraham Ortelius is the result of years of research into their production, contents, original and subsequent pricing, and a census of library editions of the “Theaturm.”  RYAN MOORE describes the mapping of the Ruhr Uprising of 1920, as found on intelligence documents/maps in the collections of the Library of Congress.  GREGORY McINTOSH provides a greatly expanded version of his earlier comments on casting techniques and other topics pertinent to the Hunt-Lenox and Ostrich Egg Globe research described in STEFAAN MISSINE’s article (“Portolan” issue 87) about this earliest known globe to show the New World; MISSINNE responds. LEIGH LOCKWOOD reports on a field trip to see map treasures at the Folger Shakespeare Library. BILL STANLEY remembers the middle years in this 35th anniversary year of the Washington Map Society.  Nine books are reviewed.  And there is more. 



"The Portolan" is published three times per year; issue 91 is due for release in November 2014.



CONTENTS OF ISSUE 90 – Fall 2014

“Ortelius’ Merchandise: His Atlases Then and Now”, by Marcel van den Broecke     

“Mapping of the Ruhr Uprising”, by Ryan Moore        

“Comments on the Hunt-Lenox and ostrich egg globes”, by Gregory McIntosh with response by Stefaan Missinne


This regular feature, a bibliographic listing of articles and books appearing worldwide on antique maps and globes and the history of cartography, is compiled by Joel Kovarsky. 



 <http://www.penguin.com/book/the-map-thief-by-michael-blanding/9781592408177> The Map Thief (Reviewer: Jeremy Pool)


 <http://global.oup.com/ushe/product/the-oxford-map-companion-9780199765638?cc=us&lang=en&> The Oxford Map Companion: One Hundred Sources in World History  (Reviewer: David (Buisseret)


 <http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/L/bo16723349.html> London - The Selden Map and the Making of a Global City, 1549-1689 (Reviewer: Hal Meinheit)

 <http://www.chazen.wisc.edu/visit/events-calendar/event/marginalia-in-cartography/> Marginalia in cARTography (Reviewer: Leah Thomas)


 <http://asdc.sinica.edu.tw/en/single_news_page.jsp?newsId=35> Reading Imperial Cartography: Ming-Qing Historical Maps in the Library of Congress (Reviewer: Hal Meinheit)


 <http://www.bdlbooks.com/melitensia/4568-the-charting-of-maltese-waters.html> The Charting of Maltese Waters – A Historical Account (Reviewer: Bert Johnson)


 <http://guerrillacartography.net/home.htm> Food: an Atlas     (Reviewer: Gene Scheel)


 <http://www.worldcat.org/title/from-lenfant-to-the-senate-park-commission-mapping-the-nations-capital-from-1791-1902/oclc/877559550&referer=library_profile_recentitems&returnRegistryId=&libraryname=Newberry%20Library> From L’Enfant to the Senate Park Commission: Mapping the Nation’s Capital from 1791 to 1902 (Reviewer: Dennis Gurtz)


 <http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/TNEQ_a_00294#.U_qdf2NBDKc> Abel Buell, of Connecticut, Prints America’s First Map of the United States, 1784 (Reviewer: Bob (Holland)



1.  President’s Fall 2014 Letter, by Ted Callaway

2.  Washington Map Society Meetings, September - December2014

3.  Exhibitions and Meetings

4.  Map Site Seeing

5.  Ristow Prize Competition 2015

6.  A Visit to Map Treasures at the Folger Shakespeare Library, by Leigh Lockwood

7.   WMS Members Map Evening, February 2014, by Bert Johnson

8.   WMS Annual Business Meeting, April 2014, by Hal Meinheit 

9.   WMS Annual Dinner, May 2014

10.  35th Anniversary - Washington Map Society – Part II - The Middle Years, by Bill Stanley

11.  Richard B. Arkway 1927-2014

12. Spotlight on the WMS Membership – Ted Callaway, Eliane and John Dotson, Ed Redmond

13.  Cartographic Notes, by Thomas Sander






MARCEL VAN DEN BROECKE’s first article on Ortelius appeared in the “Map Collector” (issue 36) of 1986. Since then 45 articles written by him have appeared in journals such as “Imago Mundi”, “The IMCoS Journal”, “Mercator’s World”, “Map Forum” and “Caert-Thresoor”. His 1996 book “Ortelius Atlas Maps” was followed by a fully revised second edition in 2011. He also edited, together with Peter van der Krogt and Peter Meurer, “Abraham Ortelius and the First Atlas (1598-1998)”.  


DAVID BUISSERET from 1980 to 1996 was Director of the Smith Center for the History of Cartography at the Newberry Library. From 1996 to 2006 he held the newly-established Garrett Chair in the History of Cartography at the University of Texas at Arlington. He is now Senior Research Fellow at The Newberry Library, and book-review editor for “Terrae Incognitae”, the journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries.


TED CALLAWAY is 2014-2016 President of the Washington Map Society,


DENNIS GURTZ is past-president of the Washington Map Society.


ROBERT HOLLAND, a retired professor of philosophy, is president of the Chicago Map Society and the author of “Chicago in Maps” and “The Mississippi River in Maps and Views”.


BERT JOHNSON, a frequent contributor to “The Portolan” and past president of the WMS, studies maps of the Mediterranean. 


JOEL KOVARSKY is proprietor of The Prime Meridian: Antique Maps & Books.


LEIGH LOCKWOOD is Webmaster of the WMS, and a frequent contributor to “The Portolan.”


GREGORY McINTOSH is the author of “The Piri Reis Map of 1513”, “The Johannes Ruysch and Martin Waldseemüller World Maps: The Interplay and Merging of Early Sixteenth Century New World Cartographies”; and “The Vesconte Maggiolo World Map of 1504 in Fano, Italy: Prolegomena to the History of the Lusitano-Italian-Germanic Cartography”. 


HAROLD MEINHEIT is a former American diplomat with wide experience in Asia.  A regular contributor to “The Portolan”, he is also secretary of the Washington Map Society.   


STEFAAN MISSINNE, PhD, is the author of “A Newly Discovered Early Sixteenth-Century Globe Engraved on an Ostrich Egg: The Earliest Surviving Globe Showing the New World” which appeared in “The Portolan”, Issue 87 (Fall 2013) and drew worldwide media and scholarly interest.  His research continues into the actual engraver of the globe.


RYAN MOORE is a Technical Information Specialist at the Geography & Map Division of the Library of Congress. He has an interest in maps from World War I and maps of Korea. 


HARRY S. NEWMAN is co-proprietor of The Old Print Shop, Inc. 


JEREMY POOL from 2002 to 2011 published annual editions of the “Antique Map Price Record” CD-ROM under the business name of MapRecord Publications. Jeremy’s MapRecord Publications (www.maprecord.com) continues to develop and sell its collection management software as well as e‑cartobibliographies. 


THOMAS SANDER is editor of “The Portolan”.


GENE SCHEEL hand draws maps; these include four Virginia county maps. He is a frequent contributor to this journal.


WILLIAM A. STANLEY is Retired Chief Historian, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Owner of Cartographic Associates, antique map and print dealer.  A WMS charter member, he led the 25th Anniversary organizing committee.


LEAH MICHELLE THOMAS is former Senior Maps Cataloger and Cataloging Coordinator at The Library of Virginia. She recently earned her PhD in the interdisciplinary program Media, Art, & Text at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), where she studied the intersection between cartography and literature of the long eighteenth century. Her areas of interests include the relationship among cartography, literature, and art, as well as early cartography of the Americas.  


Web Site for more information about the Washington Map Society:    <http://www.WashMapSociety.org> http://www.WashMapSociety.org    
A listing and index of the contents of all issues of 'The Portolan' is accessible at  <http://www.washmapsociety.org/Portolan-Indexes.htm> http://www.washmapsociety.org/Portolan-Indexes.htm 
Also at http://www.washmapsociety.org/TPJ2.htm    is information

on how to order and locate issues of the journal, and procedures for prospective authors.

Online links to several past articles are also at the “Portolan” web page.
Membership/Subscription Cost: Subscription cost is the same as membership, and may be commenced at any time. To U.S. addresses, the cost is US $45.00 per year. To Canadian addresses the rate is US $50.00 per year.  For other foreign addressees, the annual cost is US$ 65.00. Multiple year memberships/ subscriptions are available; the annual cost is reduced if a multiple year membership is chosen – see web site.  All non-US address copies of the journal are sent airmail; the US Postal Service no longer offers a surface option.  Payment is accepted in US dollars only. Payment may be made via PayPal for membership/subscriptions and back issues.   Membership/ subscription/PayPal details form can be found at the Washington Map Society Web Site below. For further information, contact John Docktor at  <mailto:washmap at gmail.com> washmap at gmail.com  

Current/Past Copies: Copies of 'The Portolan' beginning with issue 66 cost US$16.00 postpaid for US; $18 postpaid to Canada, and $23 to other foreign addresses.  Payment is accepted in US dollars only, and may be paid via check or PayPal.  Issues 65 and earlier are available at a lower cost. A discount is given for orders of multiple issues. See http://www.washmapsociety.org/Purchase-of-Back-Issues.htm for details on ordering the current or past Portolans.


Posted By:
Thomas F. Sander
Editor, 'The Portolan'
Washington Map Society
9501 Burke Road, # 10793
Burke, VA 22009-8036 USA
Phone: 703.426.2880       International: +1.703.426.2880         Fax: 703.426.2881  
E-mail: Sanderva at erols.com
Washington Map Society Web Site:  www.WashMapSociety.org 
Portolan Web Site: http://www.washmapsociety.org/TPJ2.htm  


excuse cross-posting


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