[Icacogvis] Open doctoral position in cartography and storytelling at ETH Zurich

Hurni Lorenz lhurni at ethz.ch
Sat Jul 27 22:13:28 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues

The Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation at ETH Zurich is looking for a doctoral candidate in the field of storytelling to support the cartography group in its research and teaching activities. The research, concepts and deliverables will be developed in close collaboration with the "Atlas of Switzerland" team. It is planned that the generic descriptive language and data format, the programming library and the authoring tool developed during this doctorate will be used to generate storytelling content and publish it in the "Atlas of Switzerland", the Swiss national atlas.

Further information can be found here:
Doctoral candidate in cartography / geovisualization / storytelling (ethz.ch)<https://jobs.ethz.ch/job/view/JOPG_ethz_wVEQuS1mTgPxi45uxo>

Feel free to forward this message!
Sorry for any cross-postings.

Kind regards

Lorenz HURNI

ETH Zurich                                  ETH Zürich

Institute of Cartography      Institut für Kartografie
and Geoinformation                  und Geoinformation

Chair of Cartography         Professur für Kartografie

HIL G 24.3                                  HIL G 24.3
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5    Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zurich                                8093 Zürich
Switzerland                                    Schweiz

LHurni at ethz.ch<mailto:LHurni at ethz.ch>                          LHurni at ethz.ch<mailto:LHurni at ethz.ch>

www.karto.ethz.ch<http://www.karto.ethz.ch/>                    www.karto.ethz.ch<http://www.karto.ethz.ch/>
www.atlasofswitzerland.ch<http://www.atlasofswitzerland.ch/>       www.atlasderschweiz.ch<http://www.atlasderschweiz.ch/>
www.swissworldatlas.ch<http://www.swissworldatlas.ch/>       www.schweizerweltatlas.ch<http://www.schweizerweltatlas.ch/>

LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorenz-hurni-bb16a926a/>                                      LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorenz-hurni-bb16a926a/>

+41 (0)44 633 3033<tel:+41-44-6333033> phone    Telefon +41 (0)44 633 3033<tel:+41-44-6333033>

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