[Hallgato] Fw: [geovis] PhD student position Crowdsourcing 3D Geoinformation

Gede Mátyás saman at map.elte.hu
2012. Okt. 26., P, 09:09:26 CEST

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From: Alexander Zipf <zipf at geographie.uni-bonn.de>
To: geovis at iais.fraunhofer.de
Sent: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:04:37 +0200
Subject: [geovis] PhD student position Crowdsourcing 3D Geoinformation

Department of Geography ˇ Chair of GIScience ˇ Berliner Str. 48 ˇ 69120 
Heidelbergˇ Germany

  PhD student position Crowdsourcing 3D Geoinformation

The PhD student in the doctoral program Crowdanalyser 
(crowdanalyser.uni-hd.de <http://crowdanalyser.uni-hd.de/>) at 
Heidelberg University will investigate the challenges, possibilities and 
limitations of *crowdsourcing 3D geoinformation* (e.g. extracted from 3D 
point clouds derived from mobile sensors). This includes tasks such as 
3D data acquisition, object detection & modeling, fusion of (3D) 
multi-sensor data and existing 3D base models (e.g. derived from 
crowdsourced geoinformation like OpenStreetMap and airborne LiDAR).

The objective of the graduate school granting the scholarship is to 
develop novel methods towards the quality-oriented analysis and 
exploration of crowdsourced Web 2.0 data (such as OpenStreetMap, Flickr, 
Twitter, Social Networks etc.). Crowdanalyser is a joint Research 
Training Group between the Institute of Computer Science and the 
Geoinformatics Research Group (giscience.uni-hd.de 
<http://giscience.uni-hd.de/>), Department of Geography at Heidelberg 
University, affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific 
Computing (IWR). The thesis will be supervised by Jun.-Prof. Bernhard 
Höfle and Prof. Alexander Zipf.

Scholarships are 1200 Euro per month plus 110 Euro per month for travel 
and other costs. Further criteria and information on the scholarship is 
given by the Graduate Academy (www.graduateacademy.uni-heidelberg.de 
<http://www.graduateacademy.uni-heidelberg.de/>) of the Heidelberg 

- MSc in Computer Science, Geoinformatics, Geography, Mathematics, or 
related area
- Background in one or more of the following areas: 3D computer vision, 
LiDAR, pattern recognition, 3D point cloud analysis, 3D object detection 
and modeling, multi-sensor fusion, computer graphics (GPGPU programming)
- Demonstrated strong programming experience (preferably in C/C++)
- Excellent English skills (written and oral), Excellent communication & 
organizational skills

Applications shall be directed to Ms. Bettina Knorr 
(bettina.knorr at geog.uni-heidelberg.de 
<mailto:bettina.knorr at geog.uni-heidelberg.de>, giscience.uni-hd.de 
<http://giscience.uni-hd.de/>) until *November 14th 2012* in digital 
form (one PDF document). The application shall include a detailed CV 
including grades, technical expertise, letters of reference and list of 
publications as well as a short motivation statement (<1 page) 
addressing the PhD topic "Crowdsourcing 3D Geoinformation".

The selection of the scholarship holder will be based on quality of the 
candidates and a personal interview. The Heidelberg University is an 
equal opportunity employer. In case of equality of qualification and 
suitability of applicants, the applications made by female researchers 
will be given preferential consideration. Handicapped applicants will be 
treated preferentially if equally qualified. The graduate college aims 
at providing best possibilities for combining research and family.

E-Mail: bettina.knorr at geog.uni-heidelberg.de 
<mailto:bettina.knorr at geog.uni-heidelberg.de>

http://geoinformatik2013.de @ Heidelberg University: 13.-15.03.2013

Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf
     GIScience Research Group (Lehrstuhl Geoinformatik)

     Department of Geography, University of Heidelberg
     + Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)
     + Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE)

     zipf at uni-heidelberg.de

     Berliner Straße 48, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
     fon: +49(0)6221 / 54 5533  //  fax: +49(0)6221 / 54 4996
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GEDE Mátyás
ELTE Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék, Budapest

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ICA Commission on GeoVisualization; http://geoanalytics.net

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