BP welcomed everyone to Inverness on the occasion of the World Orienteering Championships.
Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The proposed agenda was approved following the inclusion of ICOM '99 and Mapping Clinics as additional items. CS agreed to act as minutes secretary.
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes from the previous meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark were agreed as a true and accurate record.
MC Budget and Financial Status
Of the FIM 20,000- budget so far FIM 13,000- has been spent. NOK 3,000- has been spent on the last ISOM test print, funding for this will come from Erik Tobek's grant. Further expenditure is anticipated for ICOM '99, possibly another ISOM test print and the ISOM booklet when printed. The Instructor's Kit should be self financing.
MC Projects
The chairman reported that he was pleased with the progress of the MC projects.
ISOM 2000 - A successful presentation of the new specification was made at ICOM '99 with all the major proposals for change being accepted. A few matters were left for the MC to make the final decision.
The MC agreed that: the grades of runnability shall be 100%-80%, 80%-60%, 60%-20%, 20%-0%, that the symbols shall be renumbered to group similar symbols together and remove potential numbering gaps, when enlarging maps all screens shall be enlarged by the same percentage except rasters.
A final test print of the specification should be made as soon as possible. The final version of the ISOM (Foot-O) should be placed on the WWW as the printed booklet will be delayed while finalizing the specifications / guidelines of the other disciplines.
Instructor's Kit - A demonstration of the kit was given at ICOM'99 demonstrating the key components and their linkages. The work is close to completion though further bullet point screens need to be made and some of the OHP's will need to be revised for ISOM 2000.
The kit will initially be available in PDF format on CD, though an HTML version would be considered.
Map Quality Project - A questionnaire had been circulated to all IOF controllers asking for their comments on their experiences and needs for ensuring map quality. There were a total of 32 responses. The results of the questionnaire were presented at ICOM 99 and need to be circulated to the Foot-O and the Event Standards committees.
Potential new projects - It was felt that with the introduction of ISOM 2000 the MC should become more proactive in the education of mapmakers. The MC needs to be in contact with both federations and the leaders of the individual disciplines. AD agreed to liaise with the MB-O committee.
Clinics - There has been an approach from Taiwan, one of the IOF's newest associate members, for assistance from the MC in making maps. The MC could provide resources for holding a map-making clinic but does not actively assist in the making of maps.
A successful conference was held earlier in the week with 34 delegates and speakers from 17 countries. The conference included talks on: O mapping in England, Map making for Trail-O, Four colour printing, together with reviews of the MC projects. The final draft for ISOM 2000 for Foot-O was presented and was well received with little controversy.
World Cup 2000 - Ultra Short Distance Event - An experimental event is to be held within the World Cup programme next year - Ultra Short Distance - which is hoped to create improved media coverage. The controller has requested that the map be at 1:5000, mapping at this scale using the normal enlarged symbol sizes (150%) will bring about two levels of map generalization.
The MC is concerned of the impact that this type of event might have on overall map development. There is a need for Foot-O to evaluate the event in areas other than just media coverage.
Oivind Holt, the controller for WC2000 events 5,6 and 7 in Ukraine requested the MC views on how long flights of steps should be depicted. The MC concluded that they should be shown by: two 0.1 parallel black lines 0.3 apart, with perpendicular 0.1 black lines between at 0.5 apart, all infilled with 50% brown.
Any other business
There were no items for discussion.
Date of next meeting
It has been proposed that the next MC meeting will be held in London on 19th February 2000, the Foot-O and ESC committees will also be meeting.