MEETING 2-01 in Tampere, Finland - photos
Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 1-02
Time: 2001-07-27 and 2001-07-29
Place: Tampere, Finland


PART 1, 2001-07-27

1. Opening
AD welcomed everyone to Tampere, venue of the WOC 2001.

2. Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The proposed agenda was approved. JL agreed to act as minutes secretary.

3. Minutes of meeting 1-01 in Frankfurt, Germany
It was stated that the minutes from the previous meeting in Frankfurt, Germany had not been finished by MO. It was decided that AD will complete the draft.

4. Reports

4.1 The scale of the map of the WOC 2001 Classic Distance competition had been discussed in January. MC did not approve the organisers´ proposal for two scales.

4.2 JWOC 2001 organisers had asked for permission to use a special symbol for limestone burning places. MC did not approve the organisers´ proposal to deviate from ISOM2000. Finally this special symbol was used on JWOC maps.

4.3 It was agreed that WMOC 2002 may use the scale 1:10 000 in all competition maps.

4.4 The maps in World Ranking Events (WRE) were discussed. It was decided that AD will contact Foot-O Committee and suggest that the IOF controllers should make sure that ISOM2000 will be followed in making WRE maps. If not, the organisers should ask MC for permission to deviate from ISOM2000. It was decided that LZ will contact all event organisers and ask them to send 1-6 WRE 2000 maps to MC. LZ will collect those maps and make a report to MC.

5. Correspondence
It was stated that there has been correspondence in the items mentioned in 4.1-4.3.

6. International Conference for Orienteering Mapping
ICOM 2001 in Tampere, Finland
The programme of the next day´s ICOM 2001 was discussed:
- Registration JL
- Opening AD
- Map generalization guidelines TG
- Map generalization in practice SN
- Sprint-O maps AD
- ISOM2000, past, present… LZ
- Mapping with PC Ed Hicks
- WOC 2001 mapping project Tuomo Peltola
- Tracking with GPS Jorma Ake
- Discussion participants
- Closing AD

PART 2, 2001-07-29

7. MC Projects

7.1 Instructor's Kit
It was stated that the product “Instructor´s Kit” CD-ROM is completed and will be sold by IOF Secretariat for 100 FIM.
Chris Shaw has all the basic material. It was decided that AD and SN will ask once again Shaw to send the material to MC.

7.2 Guideline to map generalization
It was stated that TG and SN will continue the work and maybe MO too. The next step will be to make the index of topics and then devide topics to each member of the group.

7.3 The map quality project
It was stated that the project is finished. It was stated that SN will try to get all basic material from Chris Shaw.

7.4 Mapping and tracking with GPS
MC will follow the development of GPS technology.

7.5 Development in printing technologies
Country report about alternative printing techniques (discussed in ICOM):

8. Sprint-O Map Specifications
It was decided that MC will make a proposal for new specification for sprint-O maps to IOF General Assembly in the summer of 2002. The goal is that the WOC2003 sprint map will be made according to new specifications. All the members of MC will work on this topic so that the first draft will perhaps be ready in November 2001. It will be the main item to discuss in the next MC meeting in February 2002. It probably will be a separate booklet, not just giving the deviations from foot-o specifications. TG will lead the work.

9. MC Financial Status
The budget of MC is 1.500 euros. Planned and possible expenditure will be as follows:
- Test prints and printing the booklet on specifications for sprint-O maps
- Printing the booklet on map generalisation
- some meetings with federations
- map clinic in Japan
- miscellaneous

10. Map clinics
It was stated that LZ and TG will lead the map clinic in Japan in September 15-17. Map makers from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia and Pakistan are invited. The Chinese Federation is also interested in organizing a separate Clinic right after Japan. LZ will discuss the possibilities with them during his stay in China in the beginning of August.

11. International Conference for Orienteering Mapping, ICOM 2001 in Tampere, Finland
ICOM 2001 which was held the previous day was discussed. Both parts of the meeting had been a little longer than planned because of good discussion. The number of participants could have been higher than 18.
It was stated that the next ICOM will be held in the beginning of WOC 2003 week in Switzerland and after that every two years. The invitation with well specified topics must be published much earlier than it was done before ICOM 2001.

12. Any other business
JL will make a proposal for new Ski-O map specification and guidelines to Ski-O mapping. The proposal will be based on the Finnish specification for Ski-O maps. JL will contact with the Ski-O Committee. The draft will be presented by JL before the next meeting.

13. Next meeting
It was decided that the next MC meeting will be held in Rome, Italy on 15-17th February 2002. It will be a joint meeting with other committees and commissions.

14. Closing
AD said thank you to all and closed the meeting.

Jukka Liikari