Photos of MC meetings
Tampere (Finland) 07/27-29 2001
Map Committee meeting

Meeting (Thomas, Jukka, Andreas)

Jukka Liikari is on the "podium"
9th ICOM

We are on the TV

The entrance to the 9th ICOM

Opening (Andreas Dresen)

Thomas Gloor: Generalization of O-maps

Sören Nielsen: Generalization

Ed Hicks (USA): Wearable computer for o-mapping

Demonstration (Ed Hicks)

Jukka Liikari: GPS tracking on WOC2001

GPS tracking on WOC2001

László Zentai: ISOM 2000 past, present

Andreas Dresen: Sprint-o map specifications

Tuomo Peltola: Report of o-mapping of WOC2001

The participants

The participants

All the previous ISOMs

ISOM2000 national versions

Italian and Danish maps

Finnish maps

Finnish maps
