[Icacogvis] DL: 15 June 2024 - Euro2024 pre-conference workshop - Online User Experiments: Seeing What Map Users See without Seeing Them

merve keskin mervekeskin1988 at gmail.com
Mon May 27 11:40:21 CEST 2024

Hello everyone,

We would like to remind you about approaching submission deadlines for the
workshop: "*Online User Experiments*: *Seeing What Map Users See without
Seeing Them*
<https://eurocarto2024.org/workshop-programme/#onlineuserexperiments>" held
ahead of EuroCarto 2024 <https://eurocarto2024.org/>!

*Important information:*
Date: *Sunday 8*, *September* 2024 (*afternoon*)
Location: TU Wien (*venue:TBA*)
Submissions: via email to merve.keskin at plus.ac.at

*Important dates:*
Abstract (250 words) deadline: *15 June* 2024
Notification of acceptance: *30 July *2024
Registration deadline: *8 August* 2024

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Best regards,
Merve Keskin <http://drmervekeskin.com/>

The workshop is jointly organized by the International Cartographic
Association (ICA) Commissions on User Experience <https://use.icaci.org/>
 and Geovisualization <https://viz.icaci.org/> as a continuation of a
previous ICA workshop “*Workshop on Adaptable Research Methods For
Empirical Research with Map Users*
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