[Hallgato] Fw: [geovis] Invitation to an online study on evaluating maps

Gede Mátyás saman at map.elte.hu
2016. Sze. 14., Sze, 14:28:23 CEST

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Urska Demsar <urska.demsar at st-andrews.ac.uk>
To: "geovis at iais.fraunhofer.de" <geovis at iais.fraunhofer.de>
Sent: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 09:49:06 +0000
Subject: [geovis] Invitation to an online study on evaluating maps

Dear all,

if you or your students can spare 20min, please, help our colleagues in Zurich
by filling in this survey.

Urska Demsar

Dr Urska Demsar
Lecturer in Geoinformatics
School of Geography & Geosciences
University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK
@udemsar, http://udemsar.com

From: Alžběta Brychtová <alzbeta.brychtova at geo.uzh.ch>
Sent: 14 September 2016 09:47
Subject: Invitation to an online study on evaluating maps

Dear colleagues and friends,

We are conducting a study to evaluate the amount of information on web maps
and their usability for everyday map reading tasks. We value your experiences
in cartography and we would appreciate your help by participating in the
on-line survey.

The survey has two parts. Answering all questions should not take more than 20
minutes (our estimation is closer to 15 mins).
To start, please use the following link: http://coltekin.net/arzu/complexity/

Please feel free to forward the questionnaire to friends and colleagues. We
are primarily looking for input from experienced cartographers and map
designers, however students in a geography-related field, casual map designers
and/or frequent map users, are welcome too.

Thank you for your kind help and your time.

Alzbeta Brychtova & Arzu Coltekin

Geographic Visualization & Analysis
Department of Geography | University of Zurich
Winterthurerstr. 190 | CH-8057 Zurich | Switzerland

We apologize for potential cross-posting...
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GEDE Mátyás
ELTE Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék, Budapest

--------- következő rész ---------
ICA Commission on GeoVisualization; http://geoanalytics.net

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