Continental shelf of the Caribbean Sea

This includes the shelves around the Bahama Islands, but does not include the shelves around Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles. These islands are classified as parts of a ridge (deep- sea floor).
West Florida Shelf
Mississippi Shelf
The shelf around the coasts of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.
East Mexico Shelf
Campeche Bank
The broad shelf along the western and northern coasts of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Yucatan Shelf
The shelf along the eastern coasts of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Honduras Shelf
Nicaragua Shelf
Panama Shelf
The shelf along the Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica and Panama.
Venezuela Shelf
The shelf along the Caribbean coasts of South America.
Bahama Shelf
The shelves along Bahama, Turks and Caicos Islands.
List of seas