Hungarian GIS Survey, 1995.

Name of the company (full and short)
in Hungarian: Magyar Távközlési Részvénytársaság, MATÁV Rt.
in English: Hungarian Telecommunications Company, HTC

Year of establishment: 1989

Address: H-1541 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 6-8.
Postal address: H-1541 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 6-8.

Type of the company: joint stock company

GIS, activities at the company: user

Name and title of the chief executive officer:
Elek Straub, CEO
Phone: (36-1)-175-0121
Telefax: (36-1)-175-8981

Name of the technical director:

Ulrich Schaumann
Phone: (36-1)-212-2845
Telefax: (36-1)-212-2904

Name of the GIS executives:

László Urbán (development)
Phone: (36-1)-322-2688
Telefax: (36-1)-351-0001
Lajos Makai (registration)
Phone: (36-1)-219-4458
Telefax: (36-1)-175-9571
György Jakab (informatics)
Phone: (36-1)-219-4297
Telefax: (36-1)-175-3493

Owners of the company (percentage of ownership):
Private personsForeigner33,1
Unknown ownersHungarian10,3

Total number of employees: 17 600 persons

Number of employees with GIS skills (breakdown per scope of duties)

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