Major events of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics (2012)

XII. 20.

The Department received two new scanners: Colortrac (A0), Epson (A3)

XII. 18.

Guillermo Perez and Pablo Leandro, Erasmus students from Spain, defended their degree thesis

XII. 10-16.

Zentai László participated as a member of an independent expert in supervising a Tempus supported GIDEC project in Yerevan and Kiev

XII. 9.

The Central Statistical Office and the Regional Statistics announced a project, Complex analysis of the spatial processes of the economy and society in Hungary. The award was established to the memory of Thirring Gusztáv. Barancsuk Ádám-Gyapay Borbála-Szalkai Gábor: From theory to practice: infinite ways of creating administrative districts received 3rd place.

XII. 5.

Márton Mátyás receives the Doctor of Academy degree from the president of the Academy

XI. 30.

Departmental conference on student research. Papers by the students:
Kerkovits Krisztián András: Butterfly-type octahedral projections for the geocartographic representation of the Earth
Gregor Rita: Map portal for reporting illegal waste dumps
Merk Zsófia: Representing the celestial bodies of the Solar System. An example of Io

XI. 22.

Open Day at the Faculty of Informatics. Participants from the Department: Mészáros János and Zsoldi Katalin.

XI. 22-23.

International Symposium on Service-Oriented Mapping in Vienna. Two PhD students participated: Orosz László és Simó Benedek.

XI. 16.

Old and new Perczel Globes: a large globe and its reconstruction. Conference in the National Széchényi Library with the Department

XI. 12-17.

Elek István gave a paper as co-author in Doha (Qatar) at the 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2012): Istvan Elek-Janos Roden- Binh Nguyen: Spontaneous Emergence of the Intelligence in an Artificial World. Elek István was also asked to chair a session.

XI. 6.

Klinghammer István gave a paper, Tóth Ágoston, a pioneer of 19th century Hungarian cartography, was born 200 years ago at a conference of the Institute and Museum of Military History.

X. 25-30.

Zentai László went on Erasmus staff mobility to Norway

X. 21-28.

Márton Mátyás as a guest professor gave lectures on Oceanography at Babeş–Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca). Twelve students registered for this course.

X. 19-21.

Klinghammer István and Zentai László were members of a university delegation to Heidelberg University to celebrate the 30th anniversary of signing a bilateral agreement

X. 13-19.

Gercsák Gábor participated in the meeting of geographers (Comland working group) of the International Geographical Union in Cagliari. He was asked to chair a session.

X. 12-18.

Gede Mátyás went on Erasmus staff mobility to Dresden

X. 12.

Török Zsolt gave a lecture, The developing town map when presenting the homepage map of Nagykáta

X. 11-12.

José Jesús Reyes Nunez represented the Department at the GDi FÓRUM 2012 - XVII. ESRI Hungary Conference and had a poster, “Children Map the World: notes on an international map drawing competition”

X. 9-10.

Zentai László gave two papers in Kozani, Greece: Greek communities/activities in Hungary at the opening of a map exhibition, Dytikomakedones and Kozani in Western Europe and in Hungary, and ICA: Modern cartography and GIScience at the 12th conference of Greek Cartographers

X. 4.

Data is Beautiful Conference. The Department was represented by Gede Mátyás, who gave a paper, Representation of the spatial distribution of geotagged photos

IX. 28.

Faculty of Science Open Day. Night of Researchers - the departmental programme: Prepare your own globe

Zentai László gave a paper in Zagreb at the 8th Conference of Cartography and Geoinformatics: The development of modern map production: the example of topographic and orienteering maps

IX. 24.

Török Zsolt gave a paper, Travel in time with maps: the Danube 200 years ago at a meeting celebrating the 65th anniversary of a magazine, Life and Science

IX. 16-18.

Zentai László participated in an international research seminar of AutoCarto in Columbus (USA, Ohio). He had a paper, Does cartography still exist?

IX. 9-12.

30th IMCoS Symposium: 500 Years Mercator in Vienna. Török Zsolt gave a paper, 16th century fortification atlases of the Habsburg-Ottoman border zone.

IX. 7.

At opening ceremony of the academic year, Zentai László received the Memorial Medal of Eötvös Loránd University

IX. 5.

Márton Mátyás's book, World ocean was published

IX. 4.

Opening ceremony of the academic year at the Faculty of Informatics

IX. 3.

Outdoors opening of the academic year by the Department in Pilismarót hosted by Elek István.

IX. 1.

Albert Gáspár, assistant professor, is a new member of the staff. Draskovits Zsuzsa retired.

Two Erasmus students arrive at the Department: Guillermo Pérez Ortiz de Zárate and Pablo Landro Sobradilloe, to prepare their degree thesis supervised by Jesús Reyes.

Outgoing Erasmus students: Joó Katalin (As, Norway), Kis Réka (Vienna), Szabó Miklós (Sofia)

VIII. 22-25.

Jesus Reyes participated in the symposium of the Education Commission of the International Geographical Union in Freiburg. He gave a paper with co-authors (Dombovári, E. S. and Garra, A. M.), Experimenting an Alternative Method of Representation In-School Cartography.

VIII. 22-23.

HUNGEO 2012, world meeting of Hungarian earth scientists

  • Plenary papers
    • Klinghammer István-Gercsák Gábor: Recommendation on the use of Hungarian geographical names in English
  • Section papers
    • Zentai László: Digital cartographic databases (state topographic maps) in Hungary: from beginning to cartography 2.0
    • Török Zsolt Győző-Hillier Domonkos: Discovering the Danube: study of a map from 1833 and its cartographic visualization
    • Márton Mátyás: Virtual Globes Museum, a tool of teaching cartography
  • Poster
    • Simonné Dombovári Eszter, José Jesús Reyes Nunez, Georg Gartner, Manuela Schmidt, Rohonczi Anita: Chernoff faces, a possible alternative of representation in school cartography: a survey in Hungary and Austria

VIII. 1.

Zentai László was named vice-dean of academic and international affairs


Merk Zsófia, MSc student of cartography, participated in the meeting of the Planetary Mapping commission of the ICA in Moscow. She gave a paper, Map of Io. After the commission meeting, she participated in the summer university of the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK).

VII. 2-4.

Final exams of MSc students of cartography

VI. 28-29.

The 4th international symposium of the Commission on the History of Cartography of the ICA was organized by the Department.
Papers by the Department:

  • Török Zsolt-Hillier Domonkos: Exploring and Mapping the Danube between Buda and Pest: László Vörös' hydrographic and topographic map (1833)
  • Zentai László: Discovery of forested areas in topographic maps: development of orienteering maps
  • Gercsák, Gábor-Márton, Mátyás: Digital virtual restoration and reconstruction of a 150-year-old Hungarian globe (poster)
  • Jeney, János György: Comparison of the overall presentation of ethnic maps of Hungary made by German and Hungarian mapmakers between 1867 and 1920 (poster)
  • Jesus Reyes: The first National Atlas of Cuba: Rediscovering the early 20th century country (poster)

VI. 27.

Cartography from three continents - workshop at the Department:

  • Current Issues on Geographical Names: UNGEGN report to ICA
    Ferjan Ormeling (The Netherlands), ICA Secretary General 1999-2007, President of the Netherlands Cartographic Society, Convenor of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN), Cartography Section of the Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University - PPTX, PDF text
  • South Africa’s contribution to 20th century Cartography
    Elri Liebenberg (South Africa), Chair of ICA Commission on History of Cartography, Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of South Africa - PPTX
  • Infrastructure of Spatial Data in Brazil
    Paulo Menezes (Brazil), ICA Vice-President, Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Cartography, Head of GEOCART Labor, Department of Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - PPTX

VI. 25-27.

BSc final exams

VI. 21-24.

Gercsák Gábor participated in the international symposium on Historical maps in environmental geosciences in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He had a paper, Use of old maps in developing an environmental monitoring system.

VI. 21. Final exam of students in the five-year training

VI. 18-22.

4th International Cartographic and GISA Conference in Albena, Bulgaria. Participants from the Department: Mészáros János, Jesús Reyes, Zentai László (teachers), Bakonyi Judit (student).
Mészáros János-Gede Mátyás: Using Free On-line Tools for Archiving Old relief Models
Simonné Dombóvári Eszter-Jesús Reyes-Georg Gartner-Manuela Schmidt-Rohonczi Anita: Chernoff Faces as an Alternative Method of Representation in Schools: Austrian-Hungarian Survey
Zentai László: The Evolution of Cartographic Visualization in the Digital Era
Mészáros János: The Building and Using Aspects of an Unmanned Aerial Surveying Vehicle
Jesús Reyes and Zentai László both chaired a session.

VI. 16.

Nights of Museums 2012 in the Map Room of the National Széchényi Library. The Department was represented by Dr. Kovács Béla (head), Gyöngyösi Ádám, Jesch György, Szepesi Petra and Ungvári Zsuzsanna BSc/MSc students, who gave presentations on the principles of GNSS, navigation tools, virtual Perczel's globe.
In the Hungarian Geographical Museum, Érd, Gercsák Gábor gave a presentation on Cambodia and opened a photo exhibition on Cambodia.

VI. 7-8.

Final conference of the Research University project in Visegrád. The Department was represented by Elek István and Jesús Reyes (teachers) and three students (Ungvári Zsuzsanna, Zsoldi Katalin and Szabó Csaba). The papers were as follows: 3D applications in cartography (Zsoldi Katalin), The virtual recreation of Blaue's globes (Ungvári Zsuzsanna) and The renewal of a Hungarian homepage on cartographic knowledge (Szabó Csaba).

VI. 1-2.

José Jesús Reyes Nunez participated in the conference, EUROGEO 2012 – Geography and Global Understanding: connecting the sciences in Dublin, at Patrick’s College, organized by the European Association of Geographers, EUROGEO. In the opening ceremony, he presented the activity of the International Cartographic Association and, on the second day, he gave a paper in the GIS section, “Visualizing geographic and thematic data in the MSc degree in Cartography at Eotvos University”.

V. 24-25.

Mészáros János, assistant, gave a paper at the GIS conference in Debrecen, The hydrographic maps of Vályi Béla and their integration into a geoinformatic system, and had a poster, Drones in remote sensing (co-authors: dr. Zentai László and dr. Kovács Béla).

V. 23.

Gede Mátyás had a paper, 3D virtual model of a structural-morphological earth globe at the 27th annual conference of the Geoscience Information Consortium organized by the Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute

V. 10.

Neumann Day at the Faculty of Informatics. Györffy János received an award from the Faculty. The award, Outstanding Student of the Faculty was given to Szabó Csaba.

V. 9.

Zentai László gave a paper (ICA and the modern cartography) and runs a workshop (Importance of visualization of maps and spatial data in management of national resources) in Tehran, Iran, at the 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Mapping and Spatial Information (ICMSI 2012)

V. 8.

Christin Petters, a graduate student of the Technical University of Dresden gave a presentation on the laser surveys in the Austrian Eisriesenwelt ice cave.

V. 7.

Teachers (Gede Mátyás, Mészáros János) and students (Kádár Iván, Restás-Göndör Adrienn, Szabó Tímea, Ungvári Zsuzsanna, Varga Balázs) carried out a laser scanning survey in the Pál-völgyi Cave. The instruments were supplied by the GEO of the West Hungarian University (contributor: Nagy Gábor) and the GeoLink3D Co. (contributor: Nagy Attila). Consultant was Christin Petters, a student of the Technical University of Dresden. The processing of the data started, and the results can be seen at

V. 3.

Springer publishes the volume, Online Maps with APIs and WebServices, which includes Gede Mátyás's paper, The Possibilities of Globe Publishing on the Web

V. 2. Presentation of Rufino Perez Gomez, Erasmus exchange teacher from the Technical University of Madrid: 3D Modelling and Analysis with GIS and Google Earth
IV. 24-27. AGILE conference in Avignonban. Irás Krisztina participated in the workshop, Hands-on "Open Source GIS & WebMapping".
IV. 20. Professor Márton Mátyás received the title, Academic Doctor from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
IV. 19-20. 7th International Workshop on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage in Barcelona. Gede Mátyás represented the Dedpartment. His presentation with Mészáros János: The possible use of free on-line tools for digitizing old relief models. Gede Mátyás was head of section at the workshop, Map Libraries, Collections, Archives.
IV. 17. PhD defence of Turczi Vanda
IV. 12-14. Visit of Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant, teacher from the Geography Department of the University of Zurich, head of the Geographic Information Visualization & Analysis (GIVA) centre, chairman of the Commission of Cognitive Visualization of the International Cartographic Association. He gave a paper, Creating Effective and Efficient Geovisualizations.
IV. 4. Jeney János György, PhD student, gave a presentation of his research at the University of Zagreb, and studied the documents in the State Archhives of Zagreb.
IV. 3. After long preparations, the computers and technical equipment were moved to new IP provinces.
IV. 1-6. Márton Mátyás visited the Institute of Geography at Babes-Bolyai University in Kolozsvár/Cluj as an Erasmus teacher. He gave lectures to about 50 first year MSc students: Gazetteers of Hungary. He also presented two research projects of the Department: Virtual Globes Museum and the recreation of the globe of Perczel, and The century of Hungarian marine research (1913-2012).
III. 23. Opening the Beautiful Hungarian Map exhibition
III. 21-22. A 3. Hunagi Konferencián és szakkiállításon Mészáros János képviselte a tanszékünket. Előadásának címe: Személyzet nélküli légi járművek alkalmazása a földtudományokban

Blind Mouse and Geolearn – an Internet competition in Sopron organized by PhD candidate Simonné Dombóvári Eszter. The version of the game adjusted to the competition was made by Gede Mátyás.
III. 21-28. Jesús Reyes Erasmus gave lectures at the Technical University of Madrid as an Erasmus exchange teacher.
III. 15. Török Zsolt received the Fasching Antal award from the minister of Rural Development on 15 March.
III. 13. PhD defence of Simonné Dombóvári Eszter

Georg Gartner, President of the ICA, visited the Department
III. 1. Klinghammer István was elected Vice-President of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee
II. 27-III. 9. Kurkó Mónika, a 3rd year student of geography at Babes-Bolyai University (Kolozsvár/Cluj) had a short study course at the Department
II. 1- Mészáros János became a full member of the Department

Our outgoing Erasmus exchange students: Ignácz Dóra, Kiszli Alexandra (Karlsruhe, second term); Ambrus András (Karlsruhe); Bakonyi Judit (Sofia); Király Dénes (Orléans).
I. 30-II. 2. Final exams:
- BSc level
- MSc level
- 5-year training level
I. 27. Open Day at the Faculty of Science
I. 26. Open day at the Faculty of Informatics
I. 18. Borja González-Redondo Ares, Erasmus exchange student defended his degree thesis
I. 4.- Paulina Lemenkova, a PhD student of the Technical University of Dresden, spends four months on research at the Department. 

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