XII. 1. | The second presentation of the Lázár Kollokvium: Elek István |
XI. 28-30. | The 3. Location based services and Telecartography Conference in Vienna. Our participants: Dombóvári Eszter, Gede Mátyás, Irás Krisztina, Lukács Lilla, Mihályi Balázs, Nemerkényi Zsombor, Nyerges János; and Albert Gáspár, Guszlev Antal, Orosz László (former students). Staff participants: Török Zsolt , Zentai László. Zentai László's presentation: "LBS in orienteering sport". |
XI. 16. | A GIS-day on our department |
XI. 10. | The first presentation of the Lázár Kollokvium: Klinghammer István |
XI. 9. | Temenoujka Bandrova (Sofia University) visited our department, her presentation: Internet mapping and 3D maps |
XI. 4. | Neumann Conference, our presentations: Gercsák Gábor: Magyar földrajzi nevek angol nyelvû adatbázisa Dombóvári Eszter, Gede Mátyás: Vaktérképes alkalmazások lehetõségei az oktatásban Mihályi Balázs: Térképek az információs társadalomban Györffy János: Ortogonális pszeudopolikónikus vetület és térképészeti alkalmazása |
X. 27. | Campus athletic event |
X. 24. | Visit of Prof. Yao vice-dean and Ms. Li PhD researcher (Fujian Normal University) on our university |
X. 20. | Presentation of Anabella Soledad Dibiase, the researcher of the Cartogrpahic and GIS Division of the Argentinian Statistic Office: "Using thematic maps in Argentinian schools" |
X. 19. | Presentation of Török Zsolt on the Mikoviny Symposium organized by the Slovakian Mining Museum: "Mikoviny's map and the geography of Enlightenment" in Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia |
X. 18. | Elek István's presentation on the Hungarian ESRI User's Conference "Data mining methods in GIS" |
X. 4. | 10 years anniversary of our web server: lazarus.elte.hu |
X. 2. | Excursion in Nagymaros-Zebegény |
VIII. 6. | Zentai László as the chairman of IOF Map Commission organizes the 11th International Conference on Orienteering Mapping in Toyota, Japan. |
VIII. 1. | Zentai László is the new head of the department |
VII. 17-22. | International Conference on Histrory of Cartography, Budapest - organized by us |
VII. 9-16. | International Cartographic Conference, A Coruna (Spain) |
VII. 6-8. | ICA Joint Seminar in Madrid |
VI. 25. | Tardy János, our invited lecturer got a "Hungarian heritage" prize |
V. 28-VI. 3. | Elek István visited ETH Zürich |
V. 21-23. | Milan Konecny, the President of ICA visited our department |
V. 12. | Zentai László, DSc defend |
V. 12. | Dombóvári Eszter, our student fot a diploma for her outstanding student work |
V. 7-11. | Kovács Béla's presenations on the Babes-Bolyai University (Kolozsvár, Gyergyószentmiklós) |
IV. 22-23. | The annual meeting of the "European Education in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography and Surveying" (EEGECS) in Dublin (Ireland). Our department was represented by Jesús Reyes who took part in the activities of the working group "Undergraduate Education" |
III. 8. | Representatives of our department took part on the Intergeo East conference and exhibiton in Zagred (Croatia) |
II. 23. | Rob Wolters (Netherlands) the director of ECNC (European Centre for Nature Conservation) visited our department |
II. 22. | Opening ceremony of the "Hungary on maps" exhibition in London. The exhibition was opened by István Klinghammer, the curator was Ms. Katalin Plihál. Our university was also represented by Gábor Gercsák and Balázs Mihályi.. The virtual exhibition. |
II. 15. | Klinghammer István's official presentation on the Hungarian Academy of Science: The science of cartography |
II. 1. | Guszlev Antal after finishing his PhD studies got a pre-doctoral scholarship |