Major events of the Department
of Cartography (2002)

- XII. 11-15.
- First General Meeting of the Socrates Thematic Network European Education
in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography and Surveying in Valencia, Spain.
Our department was represented by Jesús Reyes.
- XI. 25-30.
- Kovács Béla
and Zentai László gave presentations in Transylvania (Babes-Bolyai
University in Cluj) and in Georgheni.
- XI. 21.
- PhD exam of Jesús
- XI. 20.
- GIS-day
- XI. 15-17.
- Map Commission meeting of the IOF on our
- X. 25.
- We got a Vidar Atlas 40 Plus large format scanner.
- IX. 23-25.
Zsolt took part on 10th Coronelli Symposium in Nürnberg. His presentation
"Kogutowicz globes: some problems of national globe making in Hungary".
- IX. 18.
- Jack Dangermond, the President of
ESRI visited Mr. Klinghammer, the Rector of the Umiversity. The representants
of our department and the ESRI Hungary took part on the session.
- IX. 6.
Ferenc got a Pro Universitate prize.
- VIII. 21-25.
- GEO2002: Meetin of the Hungarian geoscience experts in Sopron.
Our presentations:
Klinghammer István: The early history of cartographic representation
- School atlases, wall maps, globes in the Hungarian schools
Török Zsolt: The role of mapes in regional nature protection:
map of the Tapió area
Nemerkényi Zsombor: Magyar László in discovering Africa
in the 19th century
José Jesús Reyes Nunez: Teaching basic cartographic knowledge
in Portuguese and Hungarian Elementary Schools
Verebiné Fehér Katalin: Maps in Nature protection (poster)
- VIII. 2-10.
Reyes in Brazil.
Diamantina (Minas Gerais): Annual meeting of the ICA Commission on Cartography
and Children and the Working Group "Cartografia paras escolares"
Presentation of Jesús: "Teaching maps in Portuguese and Hungarian
Elementary Schools", "Applying the Web to teach map concepts in
Portuguese and Hungarian Elementary Schools"
Rio de Janeiro: "I Simpósio Ibero Americano de Cartografia para
Presentation of Jesús: "Aprendiendo conceptos elementales en
las escuelas elementares húngaras"
- VII. 16.
- Project Presentation
of Geoadat Ltd. on our department: "Area based Controlling System of
agricultural subvention of European Union".
- VII. 9.
- The delegation of Petroleum
Research Centre (Lybia) visited us leaded by Dr. Bourima A. Belgassem.
- VII. 2-7.
László awarded by the "Bronz pin" of the International
Orienteering Federation and he was selected the chairman of the Map Commission
for the next (2-years) period..
- VII. 3.
- Major-general Dursun Bak, the
leader of the Turkish Military Mapping Office visited us.
- VI. 28.
- Release of a new book: "Political geography of the global World".
One of the author is Zentai László.
- VI. 19.
- PhD exam of Põdör
- VI. 12.
Péter PhD student got a prize "For the education of Hungarian
- V. 27-VI.2.
- Zentai László
in Helsinkiben and St. Petersburg on ICA CET meeting and Intercarto-8 Conference
- V. 28-29.
- Opeining ceremony
of the exhibition of "100 years of Finnish National Atlases and a scientific
meeting on our department
- V. 9.
- Spitzer Tamás got an "excellent student" prize of the Faculty.
- IV. 22.
- Map Exhibition in the Hungarian
Geological Institute
- IV. 4.
- Release of Studia Cartologica,
Chapter 12
- III. 22.
- Two Map Exhibitions in the National Library:
Estonian mapping history
Beautiful Hungarian maps 2001
- III. 21.
- Starting, our map server, with DTA-200 (digital topographic
- III. 19.
- Opening the exhibition of "100 years of the National Atlases of Finland"
in Vienna. Our representants: István Klinghammer, Katalin Verebi.
- III. 12.
- The
Giant Globe
- II. 21.- VII. 30.
- Irás Krisztina and Medveczky Péter got Erasmus-scholarship (Porto).
- II. 10-III. 2.
- Nemerkényi Zsombor PhD student in Lisboa (Magyar László
- I. 23.
- Our webserver were hacked, but it was restarted in 24 hours.
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