The list of maps

- Where lies Central Europe?
- The place of Central Europe on the continent
- Distance from the shore
- Climate-zones in Europe
- The structure of Central Europe
- Geological map of Central Europe
- Orographical segments
- Relief
- Principal catchment areas
- Specimens of the forest flora
- Forest areas
- Soil varietes of Central Europe
- Types of soil
- Relief and political boundaries
- Localities
- Larger regions of Central Europe
- January atmospheric pressure and the prevailing winds of winter
- July atmospheric pressure and the prevailing winds of summer
- Mean annual temperature (Data reduced to sea level)
- Mean January temperature (Actual data)
- Mean July temperature (Actual data)
- Average values of extremities in the temperature
- The difference between the mean temperatures of the
- Annual course of temperature
- Number of frosty days
- The annual amount of precipitation
- The spring precipitation
- The summer precipitation
- The autumn precipitation
- The winter precipitation
- The annual course of precipitation
- Humidity in January
- Humidity in July
- Annual amount of sunshine
- Precipitation and clouds
- Administrative districts in the Carpathian basin and
- Population density (by administrative districts)
- Population density (by coherent zones)
- Distribution of population
- Population, area and population density of Central Europe by regions
- Population, area and population density of Central Europe by large regions
- Development of population in large cities between 1800-1940
- Nationalities in majority over 50 per cent
- Nationalities in majority over 75 per cent
- The mixture of nationalities
- Homogeneous nationality territories
- Minorities
- Nationalities by regions (in thousands)
- Germans
- Russians, ukrainians, ruthenians
- Italians (ladines, friulians)
- Poles
- Hungarians
- Roumanians
- Czechs, moravians
- Serbians (Montenegreans, Macedones)
- Bulgarians
- Croatians (Bunyevaces, Sokaces)
- Slovaks
- Slovenes (vends)
- Albanians
- Turks (Tartars, Gagauces)
- Bosnians
- Gipsies
- Slavs
- Slavs and natural increase
- Religious denominations (above 50%)
- Roman catholics
- Greek catholics
- Protestants
- Greek orientals
- Mohammedans
- Israelites
- Occupational distribution of the population in Central Europe by regions (gainfully employed and dependent combined)
- Occupational distribution of the population by large regions (gainfully employed and dependent combined)
- Agricultural population in the percentage of total population
- Density of agricultural population
- Industrial population
- Population engaged in trade and communication
- Population engaged in public service and free professions
- Illiterates
- Illiteracy and natural increase of the population
- Agricultural population and illiteracy
- Western christianity and illiteracy
- Live-births about 1930
- Deaths
- Rate of births by regions between 1920-1940 (Per 1000 inhabitants)
- Rate of deaths by regions between 1920-1941 (Per 1000 inhabitants)
- Natural increase
- Rate of natural increase by regions between 1920-1941 (Per 1000 inhabitants)
- Infant mortality
- Population density and natural increase
- Distribution of population according to age (1930)
- Distribution of area by branches of cultivation
- Arable land (In the percentage of total area)
- Meadows
- The rentability of meadows and pastures (1935)
- Pastures in the percentage of total area
- Forest areas
- Sowing area of cereals and potatoes proportions of products
- Wheat
- Average yield of wheat per one hectare
- Per capita wheat production (amount per total population)
- Rye
- Average yield of rye per one hectare
- Per capita rye production (amount per total population)
- Excess and deficiency in wheat and rye combined (ration per head)
- Barley
- Average yield of barley per one hectare
- Per capita barley production (amount per total population)
- Oats
- Average yield of oats per one hectare
- Per capita oat production (amount per total population)
- Corn
- Average yield of corn per one hectare
- Per capita corn production (amount per total population)
- Potatoes
- Average yield of potatoes per one hectare
- Per capita potato production (amount per total population)
- Available per capita amount of production by regions
- Available per capita amount of production by large regions
- Excess and deficiency in cereals and potato by regions
- Non-agricultural population
- Production, excess and deficiency of cereals and potato
- Livestock per 100 agricultural population
- Number of domestic animals per 100 agricultural inhabitants
- Stock of horses (about 1935)
- Cattle stock (about 1935)
- Available per capita amount of beef
- Swine-stock about 1935
- Available per capita amount of pork
- Available per capita amount of fats
- Stock of sheep (about 1935)
- Available per capita amount of mutton
- Available per capita amount of meat and fat by regions
- Excess or deficiency in meat (necessary per capita amount 25 kg)
- Available amount of meat by regions compared to excess and deficiency
- Mining products of Central Europe
- Coal reserves
- Production of coal and carbonic hydrogene between 1931-1938
- Comparative table of mining production (1937)
- Ore reserves
- Production of iron-, copper-, aluminium- and steel refining ores (about 1928-38)
- Production of salt and other useful minerals
- System of roads and railways (about 1935)
- Isochronic lines from the adjoining areas of Central Europe (by slow train)
- Lines of equal distances by rail from some important centers near Central Europe
- Isochronic lines from some important European centers (by fast train)
- Principal transversal transportation routes
- Area reachable in six hours from some important cities of Central Europe
- Airways about 1935
- Radio broadcasting stations of Central Europe between 1937-1941
- The import of Austria by countries (1933-1935)
- The export of Austria by countries (1933-1935)
- The import of Czechoslovakia by countries (1934-1937)
- The export of Czechoslovakia by countries (1934-1937)
- The import of Hungary by countries (1934-1937)
- The export of Hungary by country (1934-1937)
- The import of Yougoslavia by countries (1936-1937)
- The export of Yougoslavia by countries (1936-1937)
- The import of Roumania by countries (1934-1937)
- The export of Roumania by countries (1934-1937)
- The import of Bulgaria by countries (1936-1937)
- The export of Bulgaria by countries (1936-1937)
- Development of foreign trade in five countries between 1922-1937
- Boundaries of countries, provinces and counties in 1910
- Boundaries of countries, provinces and counties in 1930
- Names of countries, provinces and countries in 1930
- Boundaries of countries, provinces and counties in 1942
- Territorial development of some important empires
- Stability of state boundaries in Central Europe
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