Association of Map Friends

(All Hungarian names in these pages are in Hungarian order - family names first!)

Association of Map Friends - address:
1013 Budapest, Roham u. 3.

Association of Map Friends - leaders:

Honorary presidency

dr. Balázs László  
dr. Glatz Ferenc historian
Karsay Ferenc engineer (retired)
dr. Kiss Lajos linguist
Monspart Sarolta  
dr. Papp-Váry Árpád CEO of Cartographia Ltd.
Peták István journalist
dr. Plihál Katalin leader of the Map Library (National Library)


President: Szabó Gyula colonel, Military Mapping Survey
Secretary general: Szádeczky-Kardoss Tamás engineer
Members: Balla Zsuzsa cartographer (Délkör Bt.)
Orosz László cartographer
Hegedűs Ábel cartographer (Ábel Térképészeti Kft.)

Control Comission

Koós Árpád
Németh Ferenc
dr. Rédl Gábor

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