6.2.2 Project Plan
Assisted by ITV AG, a project team with members from the DLM, CLO and DLO will implement a pilot system in the Budapest District Land Office. The following plan has been set up for the project:
- Define the necessary standards:
- Establish detailed requirements covering the following domains:
- Organization
- Finance
- Technique
- Procedures
- Evaluation, procurement and installation of the necessary LIS hard and software and field survey equipment for pilot projects in two districts
- Organize and control the data conversion process (The data conversion is done by the land office)
- Set up and test the necessary procedures, hard and software for updating the cadastral map data with the LIS
- Put the system into production in the two pilot districts (V and XI)
- Establish a plan for the introduction of this system in all of the districts in Budapest and a strategy for an efficient data conversion and update procedure of the cadastral map information (boundaries, buildings etc.).
The project started in May 1995 and should be completed in 1997.

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