6.1.2. Project Achievements (until April 1997)
The following section summarises the achievements of the first four years of the Land Registration project.
The 1992-93 Long Term Technical Assistance was provided by FISIA and Know Edge. The 1993-95 Long Term Work Programme has been carried out by Know Edge operating within a Long Term Framework Contract in partnership with AGRAR(Germany) and SATEC Développement (France)
A new Direct Agreement contract was concluded with Know Edge from May 1995 to December 1996 In 1995 and 1996, and also in the first quarter of 1997, several EU Phare review missions and audits took place aiming at examination of the progress in implementation, Finally, a decision was approved by EU to extend the current Direct Agreement Contract for another 15 months from 1st April 1997 on.
Stage One (march 1992- august 1993)
- Installation of PC LAN equipment and CDPRS at the 115 District Land Office
The PC based LAN systems were installed at all of the 115 District Land Offices and equipped with the FOMI developed CDPRS (Complex Decentralised Property Registration System) database management software for the management of the page 1, page 2 and page 3 data. The installation took place in two phases; phase 1 involved the installation of Olivetti systems at 53 Land Offices in September 1992, and phase II involved the installation at the remaining Land Office, plus education centres in September 1993. The page one data was ported from the earlier centralised FOMI system, and a start was made on the local loading of the page two and three data.
- Budapest Land Offices Consultancy
A comprehensive survey of the needs of the Budapest District Land Offices was carried out and an Information Systems/Information Technology strategy developed for future enactment.
Stage Two : September 1993 - May 1995
- Technical activities:
- Acceptance testing of the PC based LAN hardware (delivered by ICL Hungary)
- software suitability studies of FÖMI developed products (Decision Support Software and Application Registration Software
- feasibility study of OCR for property sheet encoding
- data entry trials in Budapest District Land Offices
- Cabling recommendations for Budapest District Land Offices
- Cabling recommendations for the 115 rural District Land Offices
- Preparation, issue , evaluation and contract award for Supply of Hardware and Software for Budapest District Land Offices (Winner: IDOM Rt.,Hungary)
- Preparation, issue, evaluation and contract award for Supply of Hardware and Software to 115 rural District Land Offices - TAKAROS ( Winner: ICL Hungary)
- Strategic Studies:
- Large Scale Cadastral Mapping Requirements fo Hungary, prepared by 2 Hungarian and 2 international experts, guided by a UN Regional Adviser.
- Study of the Role of the County Land Offices - examined information requirements and acitvities currently carried out at the County Land Offices.
- A review of the first part of the modernisation - the implementation of the PC LAN equipment and the adoption of the CDPRS Software (FÖMI developed) was examined.
- an examination of the nation standards situation - this concentrated on the data exchange and cadastral map contents.
- an examination of the status of ther compensation data.
- Communications
- Regular communications were supported through 3 seminars organised for the heads of land offices and for county EDP-managers during this perid,
- distributing the volumes prepared for the seminars, containing presentations at the seminars
- study tours in the EU member countriesand
- a project newsletter ( 6 issues were published between Sept.1993 and May 1995).
- Information concerning data loading was regularly fed back to the Land Offices through the newsletter and and also in electronic way .
- An embryonic Management Information System (MIS) has been developed by the LTTA Team for giving statistical information on the activities of district land offices,. MIS started to work in March 1995
Stage Three (May 1995 - December 1996)
Main tasks:
TAKAROS DLO Systems Procurement. - Contract was awarded to ICL Hungary Ltd. in October 1995. Hardware and standard softwares were delivered in May 1995. Project Implementation Plan , System Requirement Specification were created and an Operational Performance Review test was started with some delay in October 1996, then suspended because of many problems and lacks in integration of registration and mapping data. Two pilot counties were selected with module representatives participating in software development, under the guidance of the newly appointed Customers Project Manager.
Budapest Land Office Project - Contract was awarded to IDOM for delivery of hw/sw. The procurement of a solution for the computerisation of land registration in Budapest District Land Offices was successfully carried out. The solution was acceptance tested in December 1996. A separate LTTA expert of Kampsax Geoplan (Denmark) was contracted for providing an international adviser who was monitoring the implementation , giving technical and administrative support to lower the risk in the project and harmonise it with non-Phare solutions.
Management Information System - was developing into an Oracle RDBMS environment to enhance the system to include more information and provide betted output statistics and monthly reports for DLM and Phare PMU. Also an Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) was developed and installed in December 1995 for district and county land offices to report monthly statistics. These data are used by the DLM as an operational tool. Ad-hoc reports are reqularly requested, and also used for planning the National Cadastre Programme and DLM strategy.
GIS Data Transfer Standards - a report was made in the previous contractual period, and in February1996, a new study was prepared by an international adviser . In December the Hungarian GIS standards (data content, generic data transfer and cadastral map data transfer) are now in place to be used in the forthcoming National Cadastre Programme and for transfer between data providers and data users of Land Offices, as a result of the Geoview Ltd. (Hungary) contribution.
Wide Area Network (WAN) Procurement - two Hungarian network-experts prepared a study and a Technical specification for the procurement, providing communications between all land offices, the DLM and FÖMI as well as providing for appropriate access for customers to authorised data. After an open tendering procedure, KFKI Computertechnics Ltd. (Hungary) was contracted for the implementation in December 1996. MATÁV (Hungarian Telecommunications Ltd.) were directly contacted to set up negotiations for a Frame Relay Service which would be needed to the future operation of WAN.
Strategic Studies - In order to position the DLM and the whole land management sector within MoA, with respect to other governmental departments,
- a Strategy Document was drafted in July/August 1996 by the LTTA Team working with the DLM, the National Cadastre Programme and FÖMI. This integrated all project intitiatives in the Land Management Sector not just Phare funded projects. The document was finalised and issued in English and Hungarian by MoA and an inter-ministerial meeting and discussion was held in September 1996.
- Study on Data Products and Services Marketing - prepared by short-term experts of Ordnance Survey (UK) and Geometria GIS System House (Hungary) in December 1996.
- Study on Land and Property Valuation - Coopers & Lybrand (Hungary)
Both studies were ordered and financed by Phare. Winners selected in restricted tendering procedures. Both studies have been discussed and approved by the MoA DLM. Hungarian officials were sent on study tours to EU member countries to get experience in the themes. Recommendations were given in both studies with the aim of reaching EU-conform and competitive solutions in land management for the future.
- Liaison
- EU Phare Budapest Project , Kampsax Geoplan for Harmonisation,
- Swiss Budapest Cadastral Mapping part of the project
- German Land Consolidation Project (TAMA)
- OMFB - National Board for Technical Development, concerning OMFB-sponsored GIS projects,
- TEMPUS OLLO - Open Learning for Land Offices of the Székesfehérvár College for Surveying and Land Management concerning the education and training of land office employees.
- FÖMI - Institute for Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing - Application Registration and Property Sheet Database, cadastral map standards, specifications
- Land Office News edited and distributed by the LTTA for the whole land management sector, published in about 200 copies. 3 issues were published in the given period.
- Participation in national and international professional conferences, organising seminars for the land offices,
- Sending land office people on study tours to EU member countries.
Present Stage : January - March 1997
Main tasks:
- TAKAROS DLO System Procurement: Pre-acceptance tests of non-standard software are going on. This very large procurement for an integrated Land Registation /Cadastral Mapping solution is nearing completion. The tendering of this mixed supply and services contract was successfuly audited (3 times) by the EU. The integrated TAKAROS solution is a leading edge solution and will generate considerable benefits to the DLO, including secure information management.
- Wide Area Network (WAN) "TAKARNET" Procurement - a project manager was appointed by DLM at the beginning of February 1997 to bear the reponsibility for leading the implementation. A successful presentation of KFKI and MATÁV was held in March for the land offices, involved contractors and also the media, of about 200 people.
- Budapest District Land Offices - for the time being there is no foreign-funded project operating but a Hungarian project Manager was appointed at the beginning of January 1997 with special responsiblity for the Budapest progress.
- Marketing Study - final version was submitted for review by the DLM in January 1997.
- Land Valuation Study - final version is due in March 1997
- Communication: 1 seminar was held and 2 issues of the Land Offices News were published in these 3 months.

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