The FÖMI Remote Sensing Centre's mission is the research and development of technologies for the application of remote sensing (RS) mainly in the areas of agriculture and environmental protection/nature conservation, and to provide an efficient service as the National Distributor in the distribution, processing and utilisation of satellite and aerial remote sensing data. FÖMI distributes all European (ERS, SPOT), US (Landsat, NOAA AVHRR etc,) Russian (KVR, Resurs-1) and Indian (IRS-1C) satellite data and has contracts with EURIMAGE, SPOT IMAGE, GAF-EUROMAP, SOVINFORMSPUTNIK.
The national archive of satellite images is being maintained by FÖMI RSC, too. In 1996 all digital images of the national archive were copied on CD to improve the RSC service qualities. The FÖMI RSC serves also as basic institution of the National Space Office in the Earth Observation area.

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