6. The scope of Toponymic Guidelines - 3. Spelling rules
3. Spelling rules
To what extent do
the orthographic rules of the language in general also apply to
geographical names?
Does the spelling
of geographical names follow spelling reforms?
If the language
concerned is also the language of another country does the language policy
in the country where the language is most dominantly used also affect the
spelling rules?
Which rules are
applied to the spelling of geographical names?
In Austria:
The Survey of Austria since 1969 officially uses a set of General rules
for the German spelling of geographical names, which are generally in
concordance with those in current use in the other German-speaking
Geographical names are normally not subject to the general spelling rules.
Especially for the spelling of names of inhabited places, name-specific
conventions as laid down in official documents serve as de facto standards,
that take preponderance over general spelling rules.
Geographical names do, with some explicitly mentioned exceptions, follow
the general spelling rules in matters of capitalization and word
set of specifically toponymic rules applies to capitalization and word
composition of geographical names; this is presented in detail.
Names of geographical-topographical objects other than inhabited places,
that belong to one of the officially recognized minority languages, are
officially written as they are spoken by the local population, but the
sounds are represented in accordance with German writing and reading
to the checklist of Toponymic guidelines
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