2. What quantaty of parameters, used to creat an anamorphosis, keeps its visual ability ?

3. The difference of linear anamorphosis and graph image is:

    in the method of transformation of lingths` scale
    in the functional load of edges
    in the observance of spatial relations

4. The image of system of Moscow subway lines is an example of :

    mental map
    area anamorphosis
    linear anamorphosis
    3-D anamorphosis

5. Choose the right way for transformation cartoid into arear anamorphosis.

    transformation of an image according to the method of J.Pravda
    bringing of a spatial localization
    changing of the existing scale

6. System of Moscow subway lines is constructed on the basis of:

    time of movement between stations
    distances between stations
    extend of subway lines
    order of stations succession

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