Department of Cartography of 
Loránd Eötvös University
and the Historical Commission 
of the Hungarian Society for Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing

cordially invites you to participate in the special 
seminar to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Hungarian  map maker and publisher,

Manó Kogutowicz

The event will be held at the 
Lágymányosi campus of the Eötvös University of Budapest on November 27, 2001. 
Program begins at 14.00 in Hall 'Harmónia' (floor -1!)
(Address: 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a, )
Kogutowicz-exhibition opens at 16.00  on 7th floor!
Admission is free!

Information:Dr. Zsolt Török , Assoc. Prof.
Department of Cartography, ELTE 
Tel.: 372-2975
e-mail: zoltorok@ludens.elte.hu



Chairman: Dr. János GYÖRFFY, Head of the Institute for Environmental Physics, ELTE

14.00 Opening address: Prof. Dr. István KLINGHAMMER , President of  Loránd Eötvös  University, Budapest and Honorary President of the Seminar 

14.10. Prof. Dr. Ingrid KRETSCHMER, President of the Austrian Geographical Society: "Kogutowicz and Vienna"

14.30 György KISARI BALLA , Kogutowicz-expert: "Manó (Emanuel) Kogutowicz  and the Kogutowicz family"

14.50 Dr. Zsolt TÖRÖK , Assoc. Professor, Loránd Eötvös  University, Budapest:  "Globes from the Kogutowicz workshop"

"The very best of Kogutowicz"- selected maps and globes from the collection of the Department of Cartography - opening temporal exhibition (7th floor)

Coffee break

16.00 Dr. László MUCSI , Assoc. Professor, University of Szeged:  "Károly Kogutowicz, professor of geography "

16.20 Major Dr. Ágoston TREMMEL , Military Cartographical Institute, Budapest: "The Kogutowicz-family and the Hungarian military cartography"

16.40 Ábel HEGEDÜS, cartographer: "Kogutowicz Manó's major work: the Hungarian Geographical Institute" 

17. 00 Closing the Seminar



Cartography Calendars- Cartography - Calendar of  Events -  by John Docktor
copyright by Dr Zsolt Török, 2001