Cartographic Visualization MSc course by Dr. Zsolt G. Török, ELTE Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Budapest - It is OK to be a Cartographer :-)
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The practical work in Cartograhic Visualization course by Dr. Török included a one-day field design and field practice - full programme outside the capital city organized by the professor. The international group of Cartography MSc SH-students visited the village of Mende on May 25, 2023. Before the visit they fromed a new, international cartographic company, named 'Cartovision', and designed a touristic and information concept map of the village. / First we took a guided tour in the settlement to check the location of the POI's and see the real things. As a courtesy of the local council we were given a a van ride around the inner area. We could see the myterious Stone Egg - and compare the historically different parts of the village. After the lunch in the local snack bar, and ice cream (the weather was fantastic), in the afternoon we met local people at the council's house. Here we presented our map project. Following the presentation we had a roud table discussion with useful comments and remarks from the audience. Participants were Mahmoud CEO (Palestine), Beatriz (Brazil), Tsogsolmaa (Mongolia), Quirishi (Bangladesh) -(Arman (Kazahstan) was unfortunatley ill). Photos by Dr. Török and Quirishi. Contact:

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