General facts about Hungary
(based on official statistics)

Area:93 030.03 sq. km
Population (1995)10 245 677
Percentage distributionMales - 47.9 %; Females - 52.1 %
Capital (1995):Budapest (1 930 014)
Number of counties (1995):capitol (23 districts),
19 counties,
22 towns of county rank
Number of cities (1995) - see below!205
Number of villages (1995):2916
The highest peakKékes (1014 m)
The deepest pointto the south of Szeged (78 m)
Altitude above the sea level (below 200 metres)84 per cent
Altitude above the sea level (200 to 400 metres)14 per cent
Altitude above the sea level (above 400 metres)2 per cent
Largest lakeBalaton (598 sq. km)
Major rivers (Hungarian section)Danube (417 km), Tisza (598 km),
Rába (190 km), Zagyva (179 km)
Public railway lines7750 km
National public roads (1993)29963 km
Pipeline network6998 km
Permanently navigable waterways1396 km
Gross domestic product (1993)3500 US $
Mean temperature (Budapest, 1993)11.3 °C
Amount of precipitation (Budapest, 1993)506 mm

List of Hungarian cities: (alphabetical order) / (by counties) / Map of Hungarian cities (180 kB)

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