2-day Orienteering Event
Hungarian Cup Race
30-31th October 1999

Organiser:	Spartacus Orienteering Club of Eger
Program:	30-31th October 1999 2-day individual ranking event with combined results (30th October is Hungarian Cup race)
	30th October afternoon Bike-orienteering
Venue:	Matra Mountains, in the vicinity of Recsk-Parad
Event Centre: 	142 Kossuth St., Recsk Elementary School, Recsk
Registration: 	29th October 1999 (Friday) 17-22 at the Event Centre
	30th October 1999 (Saturday) 9-10.30 at the Finish
	For the Bike-O event: 30th October from 13.30 at the Finish
Map: 	New map surveyed in 1999, scale: 1:15.000, 5 m contours, IOF standard
Terrain:	Middle-range mountain terrain with good runability, clear forest and medium density of road network, gullies
Entry deadline: 	6th October 1999 (Wednesday)
Entry address:	Spartacus Orienteering Club of Eger
	Eger Grand Prix '99
	Post Box 231
	Eger, 3301
Fees:  	1100 HUF/person/2 days, for Bike-O 300   HUF/person
	Open, M/F 10C, 12C: 300 HUF/person/day (with on the spot entry as well)
	Children's race entry on the spot both days. Children's race is free
	Entry fee after 6th October 1999: 1500 HUF/person/2 days
	On the spot entry: 2000 HUF/person/2 days
Categories: 	M/F 10C, 12C, 14BC, 16BC, 18EABC, 20EA, 21EABBSC, 35A, 40B, 45B, 50B, 55B, 60B, and M65B, 70B, 75B, Open easy, Open technical
	Bike-O: M/F 10-18, 18-
Planned "0" time:	30th October 1999: 	11.00, Bike-O: 	15.00
	31st October 1999: 	10.00
Accommodation: 	In gymnasium and school with own equipment 300 HUF/person/day
	List of other accommodation is attached (these need to be individ		ually arranged)
Transportation: 	On written request before 1st October we provide transportation 		between the Event Centre (which is also the accommodation) and 		the Finish (6 kms). The full cost will be borne by the participants
Other: 	There will be a buffet in the Finish area both days.
	Refreshment drinks are provided in the Finish.
	Helmet is compulsory at the Bike-O event.
More Information:Fekete Zoltan 	tel.: (+36-36)520942
	Blezer Attila 	tel/fax: (+36-36)311130
	Maczák Tamás	e-mail:

Accommodation in Parád

	number of people/room	price

1.	Túra Camping   Parád külterület     	Tel.: 36/364-079
	58	5x2 ágyas	700-1000 Ft
		1x8 ágyas
		1 apartman
		3x10 ágyas

2.  Tarnapatak Panzió   Parádfürdő, Kenyerestanya      Tel.: 36/364-963
	28	2-3-4 ágyas	3200-3500 Ft

3.  Rudolf Panzió   Parádfürdő, Fehérkő u. 1.       Tel.: 36/364-202
	60	1-2-3 ágyas	1050-2500 Ft
	Peres úton (gyermekcsoportoknak)     	Tel.: 36/364-303
	50	2-3-4 ágyas	1800-2300 Ft

4.  Parádfürdői Kórház   Parádfürdő, Kossuth u. 221.      Tel.: 36/364-063
	50	2-3 ágyas	1800-2400 Ft

5.  Muflon Fogadó   Parádfürdő, Pers u. 8.      Tel.: 36/364-053
  10  2 ágyas 1500 Ft/fő

6.  Ybl Szálló   Parádfürdő, Kossuth u. 219
  60  2-3 ágyas 1000 Ft/fő
  Freskó Hotel   Parádfürdő, Kossuth u. 219.      Tel.: 36/364-109
  29    2 ágyas 1800 Ft/fő
		2 apartman	5000 Ft

7.  Valentin Panzió   Parádfürdő, Peres u. 16.      Tel.: 36/364-295
	28	2 ágyas	3000 és 5000 Ft/szoba

8.  Boróka Mini Hotel   Parádfürdő, Peres u. 18.      Tel.: 36/364-527
	18	2-3-4 ágyas	1600-3000 Ft

9.  Hess András Üdülő   Parádfürdő, Peres u. 26.      Tel.: 36/364-182
	18	2-4-6 ágyas	1400-2500 Ft

10.   Szerencsejáték Felügyelet Üdülője   Parád, Kossuth u. 350.    Tel.: 36/364-171
	24	2-3-4 ágyas	2200-3500 Ft

11. 	Muskátli Panzió   Parád, Kossuth u. 348.     	Tel.: 36/364-309
  30  2-3-4 ágyas 800-1200 Ft/fő

12. 	Fehérholló Panzió   Parád, Émály u. 8.     	Tel.: 36/364-910