Hungaria Cup

27-31 July 1997

Event centre: Orfű Sporttábor (Sport Camp), Orfű, Széchenyi tér 5-6., Phone: 72-378-456
Registration: 26 July, 1997 (Saturday) at the event centre
Type and form of competition: International individual 5-day competition
Terrain: Typical Central European terrain 250-500 m above the sea level. Mainly deciduous forest with patches of thick vegetation. The runnability is mostly very good. There are many special karstic features (map from 1995).
Maps: 1:15000 (1:10000 for short courses), 5 m contours, according to the IOF standard. Surveyed and printed in 1997.
Address for entries: Dr. Kiss Endre "Hungária 97"
H-7633 Pécs 15, Pf. 22. HUNGARY
Deadline of entries: 2 June, 1997. For late entries 50% extra charge.
Information book will be sent for the clubs before the competition.
At the event centre entries will be accepted only to the Open categories. Transport:All the finish areas can be reached by walk (1900-2500 m) from the event centre or from the camp sites, there will be no transportation.
Costs (in German Marks):

Payment: First starts: Every day 9.00 a.m.
Training: 26 July, 1997. Maps will be available at the event centre.
Prize giving ceremony: 1.00 p.m. at the finish area on the 5th day. Prizes will be given for the first three of the total results after 5 stages in each class.
Categories: Free time possibilities:

On the week and the following of our 5-day event another 2-day competition (ZSELIC CUP, 2-3 August) will be organised near the town of Kaposvár (50 km from Orfű).
For further information contact:
Csizmadia Gyula, H-7400 Kaposvár, Kinizsi ltp. 28.