Szuperinfó Postás Cup


18-19. May 1996. Hungary


      17th  May      10am-10 pm
      18th  May       7- 8 a.m. in the finish area near the shooting range in Piliscsaba.

Training: 17th May 1996 the whole day, on a similar terrain

Competition: Zajnát Hills  24 km from Budapest and 3 km from the finish area.

 Competition centre and finish area :  are located on the same place, with cold water
 showers and lavatories, camping site and a buffet.

Type of the event:
 - 24 hour relay
 - six-man teams with max. three M21 runners and  three of any other category, but
   there has to be at least two women in every team
 - completion of the courses: The courses have to be completed in preset order, but
   the order of the runners determined by the team.
   However each runner has to complete at least two courses during the event.
 - type of the courses: The race begins with farsta-type courses, later short, long, easy
   and difficult courses follow each other.

In the last 60 minutes of the race the teams can freely select the courses from
the remaining courses.

Map:  1:10000,  1995 field work.

Detailed information will be sent to the teams entered.


Deadline:  20. April 1996.

Address:   Korbély Tibor,   1173 Budapest, Hóbagoly u. 6.  Hungary
                  Tel: 36-1-257-3866