Honved Cup
2 days International Orienteering Competition
Veszprem, Hungary
The competition is organised in the nearby areas of of the
historical town, Veszprem, which is situated not far from Lake Balaton.
Organizer: Veszprem Honved Orienteering Section
Address: Vass Tibor
H-8200 Veszprem HUNGARY
Stromfeld A. u. 5/B.
E-mail: zelei@nts1.airdef.army.hu
map: Jutas-erdo, Bendola Trainings map (6,7) of World
University Orienteering Championships
IOF norm 1:15 000/5 m corrected 1995.
Entry fee:
400 Ft/person/2days
have to be sent before 20.04.1996.
student hostel 600 Ft/person/night
classroom-with own sleeping bag- 120 Ft/person/night
Planned "0" time:
1 st day 11.00 am.
2 nd day 09.00 am. short distance