Csokonai Cup / Alföld Cup

Invitation to Debrecen to the orienteering competitions
                               Csokonai-cup   Alföld-cup
Dates           June 1996         22nd          23rd
Start time                     00:00=12:00    00:00=9:00
Organizers  Hajdú-Bihar megyei Tájékozódási Futó
          Szövetség & Debrecen Műanyaggyár SK
Terrain     lowland forest, variable running speed, sand dunes.
Maps            1:15 000  (1994)
Categories    M,W: 12C; 14B,C; 16B; 18B,C; 21A,B,C; 21BR; 35B;
Entry fees      200 HUF/day/person
      deadline  10. June
      address   Márkus Attila
                H-4046 Debrecen
                (phone: (36)-(52)-315 008
Accomodation    student hostel 500 HUF/person, only for saturday
Accurate place and time for meeting will be sent to clubs to the
address given by them in their entry list.