Szentendre Cup 2004
actual entries by
categories, by
Date: 27. March 2004. Saturday 11.00 E1, classic distance
28. March 2004. Sunday 9.00 E2, middle distance
about 13.00 E3, sprint distance
Type of the competition: 3 individual races, the last (sprint) with chasing
Organizer: Hegyisport Szentendre Egyesület Szentendre, Levél köz 5., Hungary
Terrain: Central-European forest around Szentendre (E1), and Open Air Museum
(E2, E3)
Maps: 3 new maps, scale 1:15000, 1:10 000 and 1:5000, contours 5 m.
Org. committee: Leader: Erdélyi Tibor
Secretary: Jankó Tamás
Course planner: Erdélyi Tibor
Controllers: Tóth Sándor, Máthé István
Classes: M/W 12C; 14B,C; 16B,C; 18B,C; 20A; 21A,B,Br,C; M/W 35A; 40B; 45B;
50B; 55B; 60B; F 65B; 70B M/W 10D with stripes help Open beginner; Open; Children
(without map)
Entries: until 16. 03. 2004, Tuesday, Jankó Tamás, 2040 Budaörs,
Aradi u. 15. fax: +36 23 505 011 e-mail: Name, year of birth, Class, SI number.
Entry fee: until 16. 03. 2004. 13 EUR/3 races, or 6 EUR/race
M/W 10D, 12C, 14BC; N60; F 65, -70: 9 EUR/3 races, or 4 EUR/race Open: 3 EUR/race
Children with stripes: free
after 16. 03. 2004. extra charge 1 EUR/race; the scene of
competition: extra charge 2 EUR/race.
You can pay by cash at the registration.
SportIdent: SI rental 1 EUR/race
Prizes: After the 3 races, for the first three competitors of each category
in the overall rankings.
Accommodation: 27.03.2004., in gym in Szentendre, with own equipment 2
Offers: in workers home, from 5 EUR/night
Hotel Kunigunda, Budapest, Kunigunda u. 25. HU-1037 Tel: +36 250 3649, Fax: 368
Hotel, motel, hostel, from 15 EUR/night: TOURINFORM Szentendre: Tel/Fax: +36 26
317 965,
Transport: The competition accessible with public transport from Budapest
and Szentendre
Arrangement: The start at third (sprint, E3) race: chasing (hunting) start,
summarizing the classic (E1) and middle (E2) distance races results.
Other: Competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for
their own safety.Information: Competition:
Open Air Museum (E2, E3):