08-12. 05. 2003.

Entry form (RTF file)

Organiser: Hungarian Police University, RTF DSE
Patron: Dr. Mónika Lampert, Minister of the Interior
Type of Competition: International, individual classical race, short solathlon and relay orienteering.
Event centre: Balatongyörök, Hotel Kastély (170 kilometers from Budapest)
Map: New map revised in 2002 according to IOF standards, scale 1:10.000/5 m, 1/15.000/5 m
Terrain: Typical middle-range mountain terrain with mostly clear forest and detailed forms with some rocky areas
Categories: - Individual short solathlon race: MW 14, 16, 18, 21, 35, 45, 55
- Individual classical race: MW 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 35, 45, 55
- Relay: MW 14, 18, 35, W 21, M 45 2 persons, M 21 3 persons
Closing Date for Entries and Fees:
Payment if received by:
15 Febr 2003
10 March 2003
Fees /2 individual races
16 EUR
32 EUR
5 EUR/pers.
10 EUR/pers.
Accomodation: (4 nights/person)
60 EUR
100 EUR
Meal: (4 days/person)
100 EUR
150 EUR

The categories MW 21, 35 and M 45, 55 are at the same time the Championship of Interior, with participants from police, fireguard and border-guard.
Qualification of teams pro countries: - category M 21-35: the 2-2 best competitors of each country
- category M 45: the best competitor of each country
- category W 21-35: the 1-1 best competitors of each category
The two best individual results and the ranking of the relays in the categories MW 21, M 35, 45 will be considered.
(Solathlon: it is a type of orienteering for short distance race, with 5 shootings for 10 metres at the end. In case of failure a penalty round of 100 metres follows. Shooting goes with air-pistol type CP-99 Walther. The necessary air gun, ammunition and the assistance will be granted on the spot.)
Registration: 08. May 2003. at the Event Centre from 15.00 p.m. to 22.00 p.m.
Planned "0" times:
09. May 2003. Terrain Introduction
09. May 2003. Sight-seeing tour in Keszthely
10. May 2003. Short Solathlon Distance Race
10. May 2003. Relay
11. May 2003. Classical Race
Prizes: Documents for the first 3 and special prizes for the winners of each categories. Special prizes for the competitors of the Ministry of the Interior.
Other: We plan to use Sportident system over the event. Those who have Sportident sticks must indicate their serial number on the registration form.
Address: RTF DSE, Éva Kiss
1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi út 12.
Fax: 00-36-1 392-35-01
E-mail: rtfdse@rtf.hu and testnev@rtf.hu
Bank Account Number: SWIFT: BUDAHUHB
Budapest, Királyhágó Fiók
Budapest Bank 10100792-78398200-00000007
Information: (+36-1) 392-3506, Mrs. Júlia Benedek

Entry form (RTF file)